Monday, February 11, 2008

The Defender
Okay - I did not realize how HARD it would be for me to stay away from the computer yesterday! So. Let me explain... yesterday Hubby was going to fast (it's something we do in our church - we don't eat food and try to focus on our prayers and spiritual things) but I didn't feel that I could go without food because I still wasn't feeling well (I'm feeling TONS better today). So I asked him, jokingly, what he thought I should fast from... and he said the computer. Then he laughed and said something to the effect of "No, you should fast from something you CAN DO!" :[ That's supposed to be an angry looks kind of like a vampire... ANYWAY, I accepted his challenge on one condition... he had to blog for me. I'm still trying to decide if that was a good idea or not. And now, it's time for me to CLARIFY almost everything he said! Are you ready??
  1. a shy and devilishly handsome young man - okay - so that part was true! I thought he was SOOOO cute the first time I saw him and he wasn't just shy... he was completely and totally terrified of girls. Didn't like to talk to them for the first few weeks. Eventually all the girls at church wore him down!
  2. When all of a sudden Mejojac, or Mejoly as she was then known, peeks out of the room across the hall and yells "Come on, get a spine you wimp and just ask her out!!". -partially true - I did peek my head out the hall and call him names. But he forgot to mention that I called him yellow and a chicken too. He also forgot to mention that when he called me to ask me out, he asked if I remembered who he was and I said, "Yeah, you're the yellow chicken" (honestly, I thought he was going to ask me if I would ask the girl across the hall out for him). Of course, he being the very sweet young man that he was said, "Yeah... the chicken wants to know if you'd like to go to dinner". Embarrassed? Heck yeah...
  3. We commenced dating and I was soon introduced to this underworld of strange music and mosh pits in run down houses on the bad side of town. Although I still like some of that old music I will always have a problem with the 'Skankin Pickle' - again, a partial truth... we went to a concert in Pocatello, Idaho. It was supposed to be at the University there. But, when we got there, a sign was up directing us to a new location... it ended up in a little shack under one of the over passes. And the group that we had gone to see, The Aquabats, had van trouble and didn't make it. Skankin Pickle is just the name of a ska band.
  4. they used to call her 'Moose' - they did call me 'Moose'. They also called me Missy Jo, Miss, Miss Lissa, My Lissa, Lissa, Jo, Joey, and Pancho. Just a few of the nick names from high school and college
  5. she has a certain affinity for motorcycle gangs. There was a time when she used to hang out with bikers and all sorts of transient types. She would just stop them in the middle of the road and chat - okay - so this is the most MISLEADING of all the statements... but, technically true. I did, at one point, really like motorcycles... Hubby rode one for a job one summer. I belonged to HIS motorcycle gang. And I was a flagger for road construction... so yes, I stopped travelers in the middle of the road all of the time.

The rest is fairly accurate. Although I'm not sure that 3 kids constitutes "a bunch" and I wouldn't say that he "domesticated me". I'm not a wild animal... I don't think...
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed Hubby's blog post yesterday... I know I did! I'm hoping that he will do it again... maybe... someday....


  1. The truth comes out! You really were in a motorcycle gang.
    Wow. Just wow.

  2. It was a fun post.... glad he was brave enough to do it.

  3. Seriously - I love his post! Mild inaccuracies aside. Hee hee...

  4. Thanks for clarifying! Although, his version is a little more fun... ;)

    I enjoyed both your posts. And I am so happy to hear you're feeling better! I have such high hopes that you'll be able to get to Disneyland this week!

    Your husband is sweet to post for you. My Hubby would be like, 'What!?! You have a contest to do WHAT!!?!! Forget it! I'm not blogging for you. Who cares if your pride gets injured!! I don't care how many of my favorite dinners you offer to make, or how awesome a wife you are, or how much money you offer me (even though I ADORE MONEY because I'm an accountant...)! I'm not blogging for you.'

    You have an awesome hubby! ;)

  5. I loved the explanation and wow, you were really in a motorcycle gang!!!

    I'm so glad you are feeling better.

  6. I love it when husbands post! I'm glad you're doing better.

  7. Anonymous3:27 PM

    A surprise indeed. I'd forgotten all about fasting [used to be every Friday at school, but I think they were just trying to save money!]

  8. how did i know you were going to do some clarifying :]

    the new header looks great.

  9. That was really cute! Don't you love how the same story is told just a little different from each partner! Remind me to tell you the story of the night Kenney and I met and started dating sometime! Mine and Kenney's stories are totally different!

  10. I think both of you are awesome! :D


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