Friday, February 22, 2008

Trying Again...
Okay... I made the bricks darker... does that help at all? It looks better to me... but I'm not sure if that's just me WANTING it to be okay (I like the bricks) or if it really does look better... help!!


  1. HA! I loved it the first time so I guess I am not much help!! The darker does make a differnce. I LOVE the look of the bricks, so I say leave it! :)

  2. i didn't see it before you made the bricks darker, but i can say that i like the way it looks right now.

    to answer your question you left on your comment to me. the graduation is in san bernardino. i don't know how much time i'll be out there and that will determine where all i go. if we can make it work, i'd love to get together with you. that would be fun. i'll know more in a couple of months.

  3. I'm just seeing it now, and I love it!! I think it looks great, especially with the lovely header at the top. :)

    Great job!


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