Friday, February 22, 2008

Red Light, Green Light
Wahoo! I got the green light to show my blog at the meeting. I'm trying to think if I've ever said anything snarky about anyone from church on here. I don't think I have... I guess it would serve me right if they read it, eh? That would teach me to only speak kindly of others! But I can't think of a time when I would have... hmmm... maybe I should take my Hubby's advice and dig through the archives just to be sure! Not that anyone would sit and read all 10 billion of my posts... that's kind of an arrogant thought, isn't it? ANYWAY, I will have access to a computer and Internet for my blog reveal. We'll see how it goes. I know there are some who think blogging is a huge waste of time. And, maybe it is. But for me, it's an outlet to be creative and keep a weird kind of journal. A borderline obnoxious journal, but still! Something is better than nothing, right?
WAIT!! STOP THE PRESSES! I just hit the spell check key to just see if it MIGHT be working and guess what! Lots and lots of yellow highlighted words! HURRAH! You will no longer have to suffer through my inability to spell things correctly! You can all breathe a collective sigh of relief!


  1. Tell your ladies it's like an online quilting bee. Women communicating and enjoying each other and learning from each other and in general keeping each other sane.

    I think it's awesome!

  2. I love Dedee's definition! And yes, the bricks do look better darker! And congrats!

  3. I was so excited to see the spell checker working again!

    Darker works!

  4. The blog looks fabulous ; )

    I like deedee's definition, as well.

  5. I'm going to be delicate here.....I don't care for this template. And the coloring makes the text hard to read.

    You should go all green for St. Patrick's Day!!! No, wait a minute. You don't people at church to think you're crazy about green because that is the ho*ny color! :)

  6. People in my Ward read my blog sometimes. And sometimes I'm embarrassed to look them in the eye on Sunday!

    I'm sure my oddness is perplexing to most people.

  7. Hmmm. I like the darker bricks a lot better. I guess it's all personal preference.

    So, you're going public, eh? I think a quick check through the archives would be a good idea, but I can't remember you ever writing mean stuff...

  8. I'm excited for you to get to share your blog at the meeting! And your header is really wonderful! :)

  9. I love the new look. My vote does count...somewhere! I guess I've become regular. Your HFPE unveiling will enlighten many I'm sure!

  10. I'm with you all the way on the creative outlet stuff!

    I know I haven't been reading your blog since you began it, but I can't think of anything you've written about anyone in your neighborhood, except those bums who egged your house, and honestly, I think you're allowed to be snarky about that!

    Anyway. Good luck with it! I hope it goes well. :)

    (Oh yeah, and I would LOVE to read all 10 billion of your old posts - I'm just so busy with babies, and, uh, bloggin, and all that!)

    (Congratulations on winning the Blog-A-Thon, by the way!) ;) You sooooooo deserve it!!!

  11. yay for spellcheck!

    and yay for you being able to share your blog. yah, some people might not get the whole blogging thing, but for others, your blog will shine a light on a creative process and outlet. good luck.


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