Wednesday, February 27, 2008

This Is The Song That Doesn't End
I think I'm going to lose my mind. My kids are sick. Red is getting worse. Little Bug is still very ill.... and now Baby Girl looks like she is getting it. She and Hubby had something else about a week ago - bad sore throat and a cough. The rest of us have had this upper respiratory infection. And now... well, I think she's getting it. Do you know how long it's been since everyone in this house has been healthy??? BLAHGRRRWAAAAAAAAH! (That's one of my new words. It means I'm so frustrated with this crap that just one word won't cover how I feel)
I have wiped every surface known to man. I have washed bedding and clothes and towels and every other item they could possibly come in contact with. Repeatedly. I bought stock in Lysol and then bought a few hundred cases to fumigate my home. You know, the stuff that is supposed to kill 99.9% of bacteria, viruses and germs? Apparently this virus is one of the .1% not covered. It won't die. I am waging a war and I am losing. Badly.
I'm not ready to wave the white flag of defeat just yet. We are replacing toothbrushes and possibly pillows. I'm going to take the kids outside tomorrow (it was in the 80's today, supposed to be about the same tomorrow... no harm in going out and eating lunch or something) and then I'm going to set of a nuclear Lysol bomb in my house.
As soon as the fallout has dissipated, we will return to our home. And maybe, just maybe we can get healthy again. Now, where did I put that gas mask?


  1. Keep in mind, if they're infected, the virus needs to run its course, and no amount of lysol will get it out of them once it's in.

    Also, most viruses have a 7-10 day incubation period, so even if Baby Girl is just getting it now, she's been infected with it for a while.

    I wouldn't spend money on new pillows - chuck them in the dryer on high heat, that will kill anything that's living in them.

    Give everyone lots of fluids, water, juice and chicken soup, and try to encourage as much rest as possible (you too, Momma). I hate to say let the bug run its course, but really, with virii, it's the best treatment possible - manage the symptoms, get lots of fluid, vitamins and rest.

    Keeping you in my thoughts!

  2. I hope you're at the tail end of all of this.

    Get out and enjoy the sunshine.

  3. You can do it!

  4. Girl, have you been living at MY house this winter!!?

    I swear, you stole a page right out of my book.

    I think there have been, what, maybe 2 weeks this winter where we've all been healthy at the same time. Other than that, at least one person (or more) has had something illness-related all freakin' winter.


    (Hoping it will clear out for you, SOON!)

  5. Oh Man!! Let's pack up and take our families to visit some healthy Disneyland. Wishing you well.

  6. Hope you and your family can get over this soon!!

  7. Open the windows! Open the doors!

    We had this last month, all month. Every week someone was throwing up.

  8. P.S., that's bare naked ladies singing that song below.
    I have that cd. It's a bunch of singers singing kids songs.

  9. Ooo I do so feel for you. February can be the worst. I think it's because maybe we're at our lowest ebb straining for Spring to arrive.
    Best wishes

  10. Oh man! I am praying that you get better soon. I'm so sorry about all of this.

  11. Awww, I'm SO sorry!! Ick, stinking BUGS! GRRrr. I don't even want to THINK about it because I know it will somehow invade again. :)

  12. Good gracious, girlie. We were all sick for SEVEN WEEKS last year with a killer virus. Hugs and prayers that yours does not last nearly that long!

  13. Man, you have been hit hard!

    I couldn't agree more about just being outside for awhile. A little sunshine and fresh air is SO good for the soul. I bet everyone will feel better in a few days.

    so sorry! :(

  14. i can only imagine how frustrated you must feel. especially when you think someone's well and then they get sick again. the sun might actually do some good, too. you will be in my prayers.

  15. On the plus side, your blog looks fabulous!

    So sorry hun...I know it feels like you'll never be healthy again, but I've just come out the other side (finally!!) and I can tell you that it really is just around the corner, okay? ~Hugs~ In the meantime, take our lovely Muse's advice!

  16. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Wow, you're definitely going all out to cure this thing! Good luck!

  17. Ugghhh, it's so frustrating when you have the sickness that will never end. Spring is coming soon and hopefully that will bring with some fresh air to aide in getting rid of all that sickie bad juju.

  18. Oh, that's just so frustrating! I hope things are improving by now!


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