Wednesday, February 27, 2008

La La La La Lemon
Do any of you remember that song? Bert and Ernie sing it on Sesame Street. I tried to add it to my play list, but they don't have it. I found a YouTube video... and I'm going to go ahead and post it. It's not Bert and Ernie singing it... it's someone who has taken some anime and put it together. They did a good job...

Okay, the whole point of that was to tell you that my post today is going to be just as random as that song. What an intro! Do you think I could have been any more long winded? Wait... is it "long fingered" when you're typing?? MOVIN ON!!
I showed my blog to the women last night at our Creative Ladies night and I think it went really well! Some were very interested and I was pleased to hear that a couple of them have blogs themselves! It was fun to share stories and swap blog ideas and thoughts with them. Who knows, maybe there will be some new bloggers because of it :) And it was fun to get out of the house. I've felt a little cabin feverish the last little while because of illness. It was good to get out. And speaking of cabin fever....
Little Bug is sick. HORRIBLY sick. I got home last night and he was asleep. He started coughing, but was still asleep. I decided to try and rub some Vicks menthol stuff on him. Woke him up. He didn't go back to sleep till 3:00 - which means I didn't go to sleep till 3:00 either.
Red is coughing a lot this morning. Enough said.
My Grandma is in Salt Lake City today to see an eye specialist. They found something called a "freckle" in her eye and her regular doctor was concerned because it can be cancerous. Would you mind saying a quick prayer for her today? I talked to her yesterday and I know she's worried. She's an AMAZING woman! I could write post after post about the memories I have of her... hmm... maybe I will write about her in the next few days!
I didn't get to watch most of American Idol last night... but I did see the last one - David something or other. And I've decided he's going to win. They should just end the contest now. The boy is A-MA-ZING! Loved his performance last night!
By the way, I won the duel. And the prize was a pat on the back. So, here I go... pat pat pat. That was a lot less satisfying than I thought it would be... perhaps I'll reward myself with a brownie breakfast. Yeah. That would work!
Well, I'm off... I have two schools to call, a bus to cancel, medicine to administer, movies to put in for one kid and throw two others back into bed. I wish I could throw myself back in bed...
**Update** I found the Sesame Street version of the song... just had to post it to... in case we have any SS purists out there... although, I like the BNL version in the other video :)


  1. We watch that La La La song all the time here, so I'm well versed with the song. So, trust me when I say, That video was funny!!! :D

    I'm glad your presentation went well. And my hat's off to you on the duel. Sorry I couldn't drag it out more - bad timing with the illness here - caught me off guard and unmotivated. You sooooo deserve the title! You're a wonderful blogger. ;)

    I'm sorry about the illness at your house. Doesn't it all just STINK!!!!? I hate all this illness! I know there's no guarantee that Spring will make anything better, but I am just waiting so impatiently for it to arrive.

    Prayers from me, for your Grandma. I hope all goes well.

    And yeah, I loved that David kid too. He IS amazing, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if he won. In fact, I think I might jump on his bandwagon in the very near future...

    Cheers!! :)

  2. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I knew there was a reason that I liked you! Hooray for brownie breakfasts! lol!

    Cute video - :) Now I'm going to be singing it allllll day.

    Prayers are going out for your grandma.... keep us posted.


  3. lalalalala lullaby!!


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sorry - that was me deleting up there. I'm glad your class went well!
    It'll be fun to see what new blogs have been inspired.

  6. Here's to sleeping.... glad the class was a hit!

  7. Good for you to show your blog at your Ladies night--you are such a great bloggers--definitely the right one to teach others.

    Sorry about all the sickness at your house. Hope everyone is better soon.

    I will include your grandma in my prayers.

    By the way pat, pat, pat on the back!

  8. So glad the class was a hit! And prayers for your Grandma. A freckle can often be just that...a freckle (my mum has one - no biggy), but it's such a good thing they're checking it out further just in case!

  9. That's a really cool idea for a class! If I end up in enrichment in my new ward (I was the Assistant leader in my last ward for 3 years)I will defiantly start a class like that. Your blog looks really cool, and your headers are great!

  10. I'm glad your class went well - I've always thought blogging really is a great way to be 'a record keeping people'. (Which is what I argued to Kimberly (T?I Kim) when I was trying to convince her to keep a livejournal years ago, before her blogger blog.

  11. Hooray for blogs and spending way too much time...all under the alias of family history. If I actually print out my blog that would really make it all worth while. I bet the ladies loved it!

  12. Hahah, la la la la lump in my oatmeal!

    Glad your presentation went well. I just recently found out a bunch of ladies in our ward have blogs too so it's been fun to check them out.

  13. i had never heard that song. catchy little diddy :]

    glad your class went so well. and sorry you guys can't kick that sickness out the door. take care of yourself.

  14. La La La Lean has that on a video

  15. That made me smile thanks.Those ar the good old days. I am new to this so I hope you don't mind.

  16. Anonymous3:06 PM

    The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.



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