Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Timeline
7:00 p.m. - Took family to see movie
9:00 p.m. - Got home from the movie
9:30 p.m. - Kids in bed
10:30 p.m. - Me in bed
1:45 a.m. - Horrifying banging noise outside that gets me out of bed faster than the sound of a child puking (come on... you know that the noise of a gagging child causes your reflexes to kick in faster than anything in the world)
1:47 a.m. - Realize what the noise was, groan and crawl back into bed
2:00 a.m. - Jump because the house makes a creaking noise... repeat this action about every 30-45 minutes.
7:00 a.m. - Get up and start cleaning
9:15 a.m. - Finish cleaning and cursing the juvenile delinquents who made the mess in the first place...

It was probably about a dozen eggs. I guess we should be grateful that they don't have Costco memberships, eh? The worst part: stucco siding. The egg oozed into all the little cracks and crevices and we ended up having to use a tooth brush to get it all off... I'm trying to find the bright side to this situation... any ideas?


  1. Hmmm, all that protein on your hands might help your nails grow faster?

    Do you know who or why? In my book eggs are malicious, and I'd want to know. TP is annoying and funny, and I don't really care why. There's a difference - at least to me...

  2. I don't think there is one! What a mess! The hooligans!

  3. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Oh I'm sorry Melissa. Those nasty little punks!

  4. What punks! I would be so mad! I probably would have sent DH out to chase them in the middle of the night to find out who did that!

  5. Little punks. Do you have any idea who it could have been?

  6. I don't think I could find a bright side!!!

    Sorry. I'd have to agree with justrandi--I'd want to know who!!!

  7. Hmm, bright least it wasn't bricks? Or dog poop? Or gunfire?

    Not matter how you slice it, it still completely STINKS. So sorry for your mess.

  8. You're much more forbearing than I, because I can't think of a bright side! It raises my ire just looking at it!

    I'm sorry. How awful for someone to do that. Just plain mean-spirited. Sorry.

  9. I've got it!
    At least they didn't hock loogies on your window.
    Oh yes, that happened at my house.

  10. Why do people think it's cool or funny to do stuff like this? Stupid people should be banned. I'm sorry about the mess, but I do like PRP's comment.

  11. What the blue blazes? Why does something like this qualify as funny? That makes me so angry.

    I would want to know who as well.


    The only bright side that I can see is that your family wasn't hurt.

  12. Bright side? RETALIATION!

    Because I am evil like that....

    I'm so sorry!

  13. You saved someone from consuming potetnially high levels of cholesterol.....and you let the little heathens live to egg another day.

    You're a saint, Melissa!

  14. (P.S. - There's a little something for you over at my blog today.)

  15. The only bright side I can think of is that they didn't get to your vehicle. Once we had a new truck that got egged (we don't have a garage), and the paint was permanently damaged. Egging is sooo mean! I wish people would just follow the Golden Rule. :(

    I'm with Justrandi...TP can be annoying, but it's funny, not malicious!

  16. That's awful, I think I would have called the cops! I'm sorry! :(

  17. that's terrible. does that happen to you often? i mean, is it a problem in the neighborhood? you don't think it was directed at your family, do you?

    so sorry :(

  18. Anonymous9:20 PM

    sorry melissa. that's yick. mean people rot.


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