Monday, January 14, 2008

The Park Princess
Every Friday Little Bug has speech therapy. Rather than trying to contain Baby Girl in the small office, we head to the park. She never walks there. She does her "Baby Girl Dance" all the way there and back. I believe she has a copyright for it...

We danced our way to the playground where she ran and climbed and jumped off of EVERYTHING! But then she started acting rather odd...she climbed up onto one of the boulders that is part of a pirate ship set up. Then, instead of jumping off like she had every other time, she curled up in a little ball on it and put on her best pouty face and cried "I just can't get down!" I couldn't figure out what was going on... but I decided to watch rather than head over to check on her because I knew that she could get down. Two seconds later this super cute little boy comes over and says, "Here - I'll help you!" and offers his hand! She stood up on the boulder, batted her eyes at him, took his hand, GRINNED LIKE A CHESHIRE CAT and then, in her most dramatic voice proclaimed, "OH! Thank you!". GAAAH!! I thought I wouldn't have to deal with stuff like this till she was a teen....


  1. What a smart girl... watch out world!

  2. LOL! :D

    You know, I have two little girls. You're scaring me... You're really scaring me!

  3. I can laugh!!! Have fun or be afraid, be very afraid.

  4. That's so adorable and so scary! ~lol~ Oh, and did you accidentally let her name slip? =)

  5. Ahhh so scary! LOL Hopefully it won't be too soon for my little girl!

  6. not yet. i am waiting to get enough money to get photoshop!! i just used picasa on that background! i want a mac and photoshop! is that too much to ask? haha. just playin. your girl is cute!

  7. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Oh oh, I think you're going to have your hands full! Good luck! hee hee

  8. Oh boy, I think you might be in for it..LOL She sounds like such a doll.

  9. Oh, are you in for it! Just for the record, J would be the gallant one helping her!

  10. Ha ha, prince charming came to her rescue! :) That's adorable... and yeah, little scary! ;) I don't know that my boys would be that chivalrous, though. Props to HIS mom!

  11. oh, that is too funny. you will have your hands full once she does become a teen :]

  12. She is darling. And much too smart for her own good!

  13. Anonymous9:22 PM

    totally precious :)

  14. She really IS a princess! :D

  15. For some reason, she made me think of Giselle from know, so cute and sweet and happy! :)


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