Thursday, December 06, 2007

Today was a crazy day... I'm trying to get lots done today so that I don't have to do a darn thing tomorrow*. I had to mail a package, I went and joined the local chapter of the American Autism Society, took some toys over to the Toys for Tots drop off (that's my good thing for the 25 days to make a difference), looked around Toys R Us for the last few stocking stuffers - couldn't find them, so we headed to Lowes to get our Christmas tree, and then to Wal-Mart (the bane of my existence) to get the stocking stuffers. Lots of errands. Then I ran home, cleaned up, got some laundry done, cleaned a little more... just general rushing around. Tonight I'm going to grade papers for Red's teacher, make some applesauce bars to enjoy in the morning, and hopefully watch the first Bourne movie. If I have time, I just might get some Christmas cards ready to be sent. All of this craziness just to be a bum tomorrow. But it will be worth it...

Don't forget to go here for the mini devotional...

*why am I insisting on a life of ease tomorrow? Because it's my birthday! This is my gift to myself... a clean house and nothing above and beyond keeping the children and myself alive for 24 hours :)


  1. You go, girl! And I hope it will be a wonderful day for you. :-) It should be, after all!

    (On my birthday - which is coming up next month - I always call my mother and thank her for giving birth to me. I'm sure she thinks it's corny of me, but she really deserves all the credit. I know this now, after I've given birth to 3 of my own children.)

    Happy Birthday tomorrow!

  2. That is quite a day! I hope that you were able to get everything done that you wanted to do so that you can enjoy your day tomorrow!

    Happy Birthday!

  3. I don't know when you'll be reading this, so it might be a day early, but....


    hope you have a wonderful day. and how smart you are to get stuff done today so you don't have to do anything tomorrow. so what ARE you going to do? :]

  4. Wow! You sure packed a LOT into today!
    You're amazing. I'll be back tomorrow to tell you Happy Birthday!

  5. I have no idea how anyone survives this season!
    best wishes
    This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"until blogger comments get themselves sorted out.

  6. Good for you getting everything done (and even more) so you could enjoy your special day tomorrow.

  7. Happy Birthday Melissa!!!

    I'm seeing a recurring theme of Wal-Mart hatred around the blogs. Interesting. If we all shunned Wal-Mart permanently would we make a dent in their profits?

    I went six months completely Wal-Mart free last year. It can be done.

  8. I too am a despiser of all things Wal-Mart...but sometimes I go there anyway. UGH!

    I love the Bourne movies!

  9. I don't love Wal-Mart, but it does have the lowest prices around here and currently, that is an issue! My son calls is Voldemart.

    We are anxiously awaiting the release of the Bourne Ultimatum at our house. It comes out on the 11th with Harry and I told my family they can get them both for me for my birthday (on the 15th), but that we will watch them before then!


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