Thursday, December 06, 2007

Celebrate Good Times
Some people don't like birthdays. They pretend that they don't have a birthday and go on with their customary routines. They don't want anyone to acknowledge that they are getting older. They just want a regular, normal day. I'm not one of those people!
December 7th is my happy day! And so, of course, I've changed the look of the blog! Some of you have asked what I'm going to do on this glorious day... For me, this day is about relaxing and spending time with family so that they can pamper me. SO!! First off I'm going to have an applesauce bar and cup of hot cocoa for breakfast. I think I'll throw a spoonful of carmel in the cocoa just for good measure! Then I'll get the boys out the door for the day. Baby Girl and I are going to go out for lunch. If Hubby can meet us, great. If not, we're going out anyway. We might head to Barnes and Noble or maybe Kohl's for a little bit. Then we'll come home and wait for Red and Little Bug to get home. We'll decorate our Christmas tree and get pizza for dinner. (I am NOT cooking on my day! The closest I'll come to that is boiling water for my cocoa!!) Then, on Saturday (yep, we will continue to celebrate the next day... I like to stretch it out for as long as possible) we are headed to San Diego (unless it rains). We will go to the zoo and then hit a fabulous restaurant in Temecula on the way home. Which restaurant? Don't know... don't care! As long as I don't have to cook it and they don't serve it to me in a cardboard box, I'm good!
So, I'm curious... how do you like to celebrate your birthdays? Do you celebrate with friends? Family? Both? Or do you like something more quiet? To do a few things on your own? Enquiring minds want to know...okay, so that should say "enquiring mind" since I'm probably the only person who wants to know, but still! Humor me, please?!

p.s. I know that Kool and the Gang don't really bring the Christmas spirit, but I couldn't resist...


  1. Woo-hoo! Well happy birthday coming up! And your plan is fabulous. Wish I could come by and drink your cocoa...

  2. As for what I do on my birthday? Ah, I'd tell you, but then the FBI might come after you for questioning.

  3. Happy Birthday, Melissa. Hope you have a fantastic day--or days ; ) I've never put caramel in my hot chocolate but that sounds yummy.

    I celebrate with my family. I try to make the celebration last as long as possible.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It is a much happier occasion than Pearl Harbor Day! ;)

    I'm with you...I love attention and no cooking and drawing it out as long as possible! I usually go out to lunch with Hubby! Have a wonderful birthday WEEKEND, yay! :)

  5. I like to be alone, or just with DH and the children. I don't need parties or lots of people around. But I like to have loved ones and friends call me to wish me a happy birthday. (I do feel a little sad if at least one person doesn't remember.) I call my Mom to thank her for the hard work she did getting me here. I like to buy my favorite cake (or make one and decorate it), a gift from DH maybe (if he remembers what I told him I wanted), and be sung to. Don't need a lot of festivities, I just like the feeling of it being my special day and knowing that I'm alive.


    It sounds like a really wonderful day (or two). And I might have to use some of your ideas to add some 'special' to my day in a few weeks.

    Happy Birthday! :-)

  6. Happy Birthday Melissa!! I am a firm believer in milking err I mean stretching the birthday out as long as possbile. I sure hope you enjoy your celebrations.

    I love my birthday, it's like a holiday all about me :o) Enjoy!!

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You deserve a fantastic birthday weekend!! My favorite thing to do on my birthday is to do exactly what i want. Which sounds incredibly selfish, I know. But I spend 364 days a year compromising with everyone - what mother doesn't? - and I just want one day where I don't compromise on the restaurant or whatever...
    Good for you!

  8. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Happy birthday to frog lovin girl,
    Happy birthday to frog lovin girl ,
    Happy birthday to frog lovin girl,
    Happy birthday to you!

  10. Ummm...if you're my twin, how come I didn't know it was your birthday today, hmmm? Tsk tsk.

    Happy Birthday you Sweet Thang you!

  11. Happy Birthday!! Depends on how I'm feeling that year if I want to spend it with my family or my friends too. This year we had an Office Premier party since it fell on my b-day. That was super fun! Usually we just go out to dinner or something....Oh and it's gonna rain tomorrow. The zoo might not be such a good idea. Unless it doesn't and everyone thinks it's gonna rain, then no one will be there. Score! Have fun!!


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