Thursday, December 20, 2007

I Must Admit...
Last year Baby Girl was a real stinker. Hubby had wanted a remote control airplane for a LONG time. So, I decided to splurge a little and get him one. I took Baby Girl with me and she was so excited about the airplane. I stressed and stressed that this was a secret and that she shouldn't tell ANYONE, but especially Dad. When Hubby got home she said, "Look Dad! See that big box? It's your airplane!" She said that every time she saw him for almost 2 weeks. It was frustrating and annoying. Fast forward to this year. She has been with me for almost every purchase I have made, but if she asks me about it I say "I don't know what it's for. I'm just buying it. Here, have some candy!" The girl has had more Mini M&M's this season that I would care to admit!! But last night she went out with Hubby so they could get me a gift. We draw names in our own little family and Baby Girl has my name. I kept teasing him, telling him that there was no way she could keep a secret.
But, there was one thing I forgot. He is smarter than I am. Oh, yes he is. And I must admit, this idea was brilliant. They got their gifts and then Hubby had Baby Girl pick out a package of straws - you know, drinking straws and he told her that they were for me. They got home I teased by asking her what they got me. She proudly thrust the blue box in my hands and said, "We got you straws! See Mom?!!" She was so excited. And Hubby just sat there. Grinning at me like a Cheshire Cat. Outwit, Outplay, Outlast...
Score: Hubby 1; Me 0


  1. Cunning! It's all a question of survival of the fittest!

    This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"which takes you straight to my new blog.

  2. That was so clever!!!

  3. Smart daddy! At least you know you'll be surprised!

  4. That's one smart man!!! Brilliant!

  5. Very funny. :-) It's amazing to me, how smart men can be. Especially when there are days when I wonder where he actually received his education... :-P

    I'm glad my Hubby is sane and rational - it keeps me in balance!

  6. What a trickster....

  7. so, whatcha gonna do with yer straws?

  8. What a brilliant guy! Aren't you glad he's on your team?

  9. Yep. Set, Game, Match. Smart guy! hehe

  10. Oh yeah, that was clever indeed.

  11. He is a GENIUS! I never would have thought of such a great idea...but I'll remember that one in the future! :)

  12. That is BRILLIANT!!!

    I had to take my 6 year old son with me and I told him that I was taking the stuff to the church for a charity toy drive.

  13. oh, that is too funny. he is a smart one.

    i love the new look. especially the background. very nice.


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