Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cut and Dry
My hands are pleading for your help. Every winter they dry out. I'm not talking about a little chaffed skin here. I'm talkin raw, burning, splitting, dry skin . Today I went to the bank and noticed that my hand was stinging a little bit. Looked down and one of my knuckles had split open and it was bleeding. I have tried all kinds of lotions and nothing has helped. Some have even made it worse. I'm hoping that maybe one of you will have some kind of magic lotion that you use! This picture really doesn't do it justice... my hands are red and dry and splitting on almost every knuckle... What do you use to keep your hands from looking like this:


  1. Me too and clay /pottery doesn't help much. I use Eucerin and put cotton gloves on at night [very sexy!]

    This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"until blogger comments get themselves sorted out.

  2. Oh, you poor thing. I use something Norwegian. That I get at Walmart. It seems to do the trick without being too greasy.

  3. I'm terrible at moisturizing--and our air is so dry. I do know that putting lotion and then cotton gloves helps--I had horrible ezcema and that helped.

  4. ouch. luckily, most lotions work for me so i don't have anything fantastic to suggest. my friend swears by the b*th and b*dy works shea butter cream.

  5. Melissa... I am typing this message with a split on my thumb, both middle fingers cracked open and a rash on my knuckles. Ouch, my hands do the same thing EVERY WINTER! I will be checking everyone's recommendations too! P.S. Love the header on your blog!! It's my favorite one you have had! The digital scrapbook stuff is fun!

  6. Yee-ouch. (I used to have this problem with my feet in Idaho...)

    Lotion isn't going to cut it.

    I use Aquaphor, which is a vaseline-type substance made by the good people at Eucerin. (Though my mother, she would swear by "Bag Balm," which I find a bit smelly.)

    You can get either at WalMart.

  7. My hands often look just like yours! I like Silicone Glove by Avon, because it doesn't sting much when it goes into the skin cracks.

    A dermatologist told me to use Aquaphor for a lip problem...it's amazing. I bet it would do great on hands!

  8. Ouch, that looks painful. I am a lotion addict when it comes to my hands. I have some in the car, at work, and everywhere.

    I used Aveeno the most but I think the gloves are a good idea, get some good thick hand lotion and then cover it up with the gloves at night.

  9. My hands do the same thing in the winter. I hate it, they crack and bleed and hurt. I like Nivea. And, I drink a LOT more water. That helps too.

  10. My son gets really dry skin. I use generic hydrocortizone OINTMENT as soon as it starts getting itchy and/or cracked. Apply liberally. Perhaps apply at night and then wear cotton gloves before sleeping. The key is to continually lube those hands, preferrably with ointments rather than lotions as ointments will stick on longer.

  11. My hubby has eczema and uses hydrocortizone ointment. Makes a huge difference!

  12. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I've been using Natural Skin MD and it's been working really well!

    Good luck!

    An Island Life

  13. I don't have any ideas but I hope your hands get better

  14. found your blog through tharker's.

    My hands were splitting and bleeding up until last week. Now I use Jergen's Ultra Healing Lotion in the morning, and even after washing my hands quite frequently (two kids in diapers) they're still soft the next morning. I just have to use it once a day.

  15. i use Avon dry skin,I think oatmeal?? it's hard in the winter..especially when there's cracks.hope it gets better soon.

  16. Yep, hydrocortizone and Aquafor are what I was going to suggest. Hope they heal quickly!

  17. Oh noooeeessss, we really are Melissa Twins!!!!

    We got our first cold snap and my hands are doing the exact same thing. It used to be worse when I had kids in diapers because of the constant hand washing. I deliver papers in the middle of the night and it acerbates the condition something fierce as does washing dishes.

  18. Anonymous8:00 AM

    hi melissa,
    i am always dried out here living in alaska because it is a dry climate (but i love alaska!). anyway, i always use "the healing garden" lotion, lavender flavor. i love it, it is awesome good stuff. about $6 bucks at walmart. hope you have a great and moist day, kathleen

  19. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Hi, I hope that you will come back and read this comment and I hope the suggestions will help you. I have had great success with taking flax oil every day and using Crisco on the skin. Both of these have been recommended to me by Doctors. They have helped me. Good luck.


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