Saturday, September 14, 2013

Clean and Safe Media Pledge

I'm getting ready to teach a lesson in YW at church on guarding virtue.  I have given this to the girls before, but thought I would again.  I got the original idea from a pledge found on the Deseret Book website that can be found here.  I reworded it to make it more individual for the girls.  Thought I would share it in case it might help someone else... 


  1. This is an excellent idea! I would have enjoyed using it, but I got released from my Young Women calling 6 weeks ago. Now I'm the Nursery Leader! BIG changes, huh?

  2. Fabulous. I hope you are enjoying working with the Young Women--I sure miss those days ; )

  3. Nope, it wasn't me! But it would be a dream come true if I had that opportunity - although I would probably get all weepy from feeling the Spirit and be unable to sing a note!


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