Saturday, November 24, 2012

Elf on the Shelf

My mom gave us an Elf on the Shelf and I thought I'd share a few of the ideas/tricks he played last year to try and get my brain moving on what to do this year!

These are just the favorites... stole the Scrabble tiles to give us a message
 A treacherous ride along the top of the cupboards.
We had 5 days left till Christmas and he switched back our countdown to 95.  (My youngest did freak out just a little bit over this one... but once I assured her it was just a trick then she was able to laugh about it!)
 A whipped cream sugar rush.
 Hiding out in the Russian stacking doll nativity.
And the kids absolute favorite from last year... changing out all the animals from the nativity for dinosaurs!  (And yes... that's Rex from Toy Story right there in front)

I think the triceratops and T-Rex give it an adventurous feeling, don't you?

So far this year our elf has been pretty tame.  Right now he's hanging from one of the light fixtures using our Monkey's in a Barrel.
Sorry the photo isn't that great.  I used the webcam to take it because I'm feeling lazy!

Well, there you have it!  If we figure out anything else super fun for the elf, Oliver, I'll post them.  Do you do Elf on a Shelf with your kids or grandkids?  What are some fun things you've done?


  1. You just can't beat those Nativity dinosaurs! Ha!

  2. This is the first time I've heard of "Elf on the Shelf". What a cute idea!


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