Sunday, December 11, 2011

My New Favorite Place

Sedona, Arizona is on several "Most Beautiful Places in the US" lists.  And now that I've been there, especially in the fall, I have to agree.  100%.  I'm not going to say much... just going to post enough pictures to make you crazy.  You see... we live in the desert.  We haven't had fall-like weather for about 6 years now.
Sedona, on the other hand, has fall.  They have an INCREDIBLE autumn season!  So that's probably part of serious love for this area.  I miss the changing of the leaves.  The crisp air.  The smell... gah!  I'm making myself crazy just thinking about it.  So.  Onto the awesome pictures!
Baby Girl with a weird reddish alien tint to her skin... she's still cute though ;)

My Dad... and the shoulder of a random stranger (note to self: crop this photo a wee bit)
Little Bug... not a great photo, but hey!  He is looking at the camera!  I'll take it :)
My Mom!  It was so fun to have my parents on this trip!

Little Bug throwing rocks into the stream.  He would have stayed there all day long if we had let him! helping(?) Baby Girl across the stream.

Red is not a fan of having his picture taken... can you tell??

A closer shot of the photo above... it almost looked like one tree that went from green to yellow to red!

Sorry the photos are huge and that there are so many... but... you know.  It's my blog and stuff :)
I hope we get to go back to Sedona in the fall sometime!  Such a beautiful place!
Do you have a favorite place to visit?  Or a place that you think is absolutely gorgeous?


  1. Love it! Every summer we go to Richfield, Utah which is just down the mountain from Fishlake. It's beautiful there. I would live there in a heartbeat!

  2. Wow--I've never been there, but it looks like a fabulous place to visit. Love all the colors--so vibrant.

    So fun to have your parents there.

    I don't have a favorite place--so much beauty in this world, eh ; )

  3. That place looks amazing! Is it very far from you guys? I can't believe how much Spencer looks like you in the photo of the two of you. Mostly the eyes. I'm glad you got to find a new beautiful place!

  4. Gorgeous photos!! They gave me goose bumps - I just LOVE Autumn! I enjoyed that little stroll through your photos. ;-)

  5. Dang. The beauty there is amazing! Your pics are awesome too!!

  6. Love the pics! And thanks for the tip (I swear I didn't try to rhyme!) We're moving to AZ next month and we'll have to put this place on our list of things to see! :)

  7. I've only been to Sedona in the spring and summer...I am SOOO missing out! The tourist-y stuff in town is a bit annoying, but the scenery is just scrumptious!

  8. Yes I'll take 'eyes on the camera' any day. Beautiful scenery. I particularly like the ferns, I really miss them but we don't have the climate here they just frizzle up in the heat.


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