Thursday, April 30, 2009

The swine flu has decided to make an appearance in my little valley. I can't tell you how thrilled I am. I've always wanted to be part of a pandemic and now it looks like I just might get my chance! YES!! I will be part of history... gotta love that, right?
Okay, not really. I'm not freaking out yet, but I am concerned. After all, I have a child who can't talk. If he gets this, he won't be able to tell me. We'll just have to wait for him to be completely miserable before we will know that he needs help. Sigh. So, we are taking a few precautions...
Hand sanitizer was sent with Red to school along with instructions for him to use it, especially before he eats, and share it with anyone who wants some. Little Bug's class already uses hand sanitizer, but I'm going to buy more to send for the class. We will also be bathing in the stuff once or twice a day.
The everyone will change clothes when they get home from school/work/shopping... wherever they could be exposed to the flu (ugh! I don't even want to think about the mountains of laundry I am creating for myself here :S). If we find out that someone from the family HAS been exposed, their clothes will be burned.
Clorox wipes are now in my purse to wipe down shopping carts, door handles, and anyone who sneezes or coughs in my general direction.
My Mom is sending us some masks to wear if someone does get sick. If no one gets sick then we just might wear them anyway and pretend to be Michael Jackson.
Hand washing will be required throughout the day. I'm even thinking of waking everyone up in the night to make them wash...
And we will be staying home unless there is a really good sale somewhere. Then, I'll take my chances.
Not a lot of changes but it should be fun, don't you think?
There is a silver lining in all this though... we already have a subscription to Netflix. So, if we do get sick, we will still be entertained. Can't ask for more than that... right?
(Please recognize a healthy dose of sarcasm in this post... I'm not that crazy. Not yet anyway...)


  1. I give some awesome tips on my blog, of how to keep yourself safe.

  2. I guess we can just take precautions and use common sense.

    Take care.

  3. i just want to know how to mix a healthy dose of caution and paranoia together. :)

  4. I can't wait to see the mask pictures!

  5. I thought you were serious at first and was going to email and gently asking probing questions about your sanity. Phew.

  6. We don't have any confirmed cases in Oregon yet but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. I hope the flu doesn't get you or your family.

  7. i guess i would be a little concerned, too. we just got our first two confirmed cases in the state. i'm trying to keep a leveled head about it. that changes a little with each new case here in the states.

  8. Oy. We had our first swine flu precaution today. During soccer games, the boys will not shake hands. They will wave or give a thumbs up or something. Which, you know, is good in theory. If only they weren't well, slamming into each other and exchanging sweaty body fluids...

  9. OH man!! Good luck to ALL of us. Especially to those who have cases in their area!!

    However I have heard that having the regular flu is worse than having the Piggy flu. Is it true? I don't know.

    Make a great day!!

  10. Two more cases down here...Oh well, we can be paranoid or we can just be smart and live our lives.

  11. My son just went on a 3-day trip with his school choir, and my hubby and I went along as the COOKS, haha! We honestly expected the school to cancel the trip, but it went on as planned. Hopefully the boy with the sore throat just had a cold...I'd sure hate it if we turned into pigs. ;)

  12. Lean's teacher won't let her hold hands with her best friend and she's about to melt down.

    wish I had stock in the hand sanitizer market

  13. One of the girls I teach at church was delighted to hear her school had been shut down due to an outbreak of Swing Flu. Here's for hoping things are healthier around your little valley!

  14. We had two elementary schools close down in our district (both school boundaries are adjacent to mine) due to cases, but after 2 days they decided to re-open earlier than planned. Thank heavens the flu outbreak hasn't been as bad as they feared!


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