Sunday, February 08, 2009

Waging a War
I don't have much time... You see, I have been taken hostage by viruses and only have this small window of time to get my message out to the world wide web. Those sneaky little things are making my life a bit crazy at the moment.
The first wave came in the form of head colds. Mine is gone, Baby Girl hasn't been so lucky. It's moved from her head to her chest. The evil viruses keep her up all night by making her cough. They make her feel miserable and cranky. And sometimes, when they are feeling particularly vicious, they won't let her breathe.
The second wave has been worse than the first. They attacked Little Bug with all their might by giving him fevers, making him lethargic and causing the contents of his stomach to leave his body. He's taking his 3rd nap for today and we won't discuss the 3 a.m. wake up call that involved vigorous carpet scrubbing. Those vile little beasts!
To top it all off, they have forbidden me from blogging and are enforcing their edict by causing misery in my children. Can you imagine? The nerve! I am sneaking in a moment right now while Little Bug is snoozing and Baby Girl is involved in a movie. But it won't be long before the viruses catch me and drag me back to their dark lair.
This is the reason I haven't done much blog reading this week and I ... wait... what was that sound? They're coming! Hurry! Run! Save yourselves!! I promise to make contact as soon as I can....


  1. I hope everyone feels better soon!

    I'm fortunate in that I don't get sick very often.

  2. Oh dear, those nasty little beasts. I hope they hit the road soon and leave you all be.

  3. Hope they leave soon and you escape infection!

  4. Hope you are all VIRUS FREE soon ; )

  5. I hope all feel better soon. Poor kids...and poor mom!

  6. I am joining you in misery.

    sniffle sniffle

    wheeze wheeze

  7. ugh, I got over the flu last week. good luck!

  8. What kind of amunition are you using? Do they respond to any threats? I'll try and sneek someone in to break you all out. Hang on. Help is on its way...

  9. man, you've been hit hard. hope trick those vicious little virus bugs and they leave soon.

    take care.

  10. Viruses aren't communicable from people to computers, are they? (Can you imagine?)

    Hope you guys are feeling better soon! Boo on illnesses!

  11. Forbidden you from blogging? That is just downright inhumane.

    Be safe and I hope your household recovers quickly.

    Blog using the laptop from the closet if you must.


  12. well that blows

    especially if you sneeze

  13. I hope you all get better soon!!!! The wee nasty beasties! The bugs I mean, not the kids.

  14. So sorry, girl. :-(

    Hope you all get feeling better SOON.

  15. UGH! I sooo feel for you! :(


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