Monday, January 19, 2009

I thought I had a few more years. Why didn't anyone tell me that when my sweet and lovely Red turned 10 he would also turn into a bit of a monster? It's like all the teen attitude has come crashing down on me and I'm totally unprepared for it! Just a quick example... on Saturday we went to the mall to look for books and just spend some time together. He kept walking behind me and so I jokingly said, "Hey, catch up! Are you embarrassed to be with me?" I laughed. He didn't. Instead he said, "Yeah. I am. I hope no one from school sees me here."
Wait... what?
When did this happen? Heaven help me. I know I'm not super cool, but I didn't think I was too dorky... maybe I am. Blah... I had always hoped that my kids would pass by this stage. That they would never hate being with me. Sigh...
And so it begins.


  1. Welcome to Dorkdom. Sorry. ;-)

    Good luck with it!

  2. I'm sure even Pamela Anderson goes through that. Don't feel bad.

  3. Awww...I'm sorry, Melissa, that's rotten!

  4. I remember when that happened with Kyle, I was so shocked. (It had never happened with the other kids ; )

    Can I just say, don't take it personally.

  5. Well, welcome to the next few years of your life.
    Like Yvonne said, it's really not personal. But I always hoped that as a mom I was just cool enough to avoid that.
    Yeah, right.

  6. Anonymous6:40 PM

    That would just break my heart!

  7. I am the BIGGEST ass on the planet. I just read your amazingly funny and nice comments on our blog and am literally tripping over myself in my haste to navigate over to your blog.

    I am humbled by your eyebrow explanation and desperate to demonstrate that I am not as callous as you undoubtedly think. As part of my penance, I sat down and read your posts dating back until November of last year.

    Not only did I discover a very charming and witty girl, but the photos posted on both November 14th and December 24th also prove that I am, in fact, blind.

    You are lovely, both inside and out. Your son will realize this, but it may take him a bit longer than it did for me.


  8. Ugh, stinking pre-teenagers ;)
    Sorry dude.

    I was assured last Sunday (by an older sister) that eventually it gets better.


  9. don't give up! that's partly what he's doing... to see how you'll react. don't let him know that his words affected you in this way and keep finding ways to spend time with him and letting him know that you're a part of his life and you'll always be there for him.

    and nope... 10 is about when it happens. good luck.

  10. My 13 year old is a huge pain in the butt! I love him but at times I want him to go away!

  11. My 10 year old is the same way. One morning, he said that he wanted to apply to be on the 5th grade leadership team but had forgotten the paperwork. I volunteered to come to the school to sign it and he decided that no, he didn't want to do it anyway. When I said, "Does it embarrass you when I come to school?", he said, "Yes!"

    It broke my heart too. And the attitude? Holy Cow. I don't want to see what he's like when he's actually got hormones.

  12. I'm sorry! But the good news is that it's an individual thing...not EVERY kid will do that!


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