Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's a Good/Bad Thing
I had a bazillion things planned for today. That's right. A bazillion.
I was going to start with blog reading - since I'm waaay behind (sorry 'bout that). Then Baby Girl and I were going to head to a play group at the park. After that I had errands to run and laundry detergent to buy. Then, of course, I was going to do laundry. Lots and lots of laundry. While waiting for the clothes to dry I was going to work on Valentine craft stuff - which I will post about later. There were other small projects I wanted to work on today too.
But now?
Well, now Little Bug is sick. He's got a fever and seems to have a sore throat. When I tried to hand him his school clothes this morning (before I realized the fever was there) he burst into tears and croaked out "pajamas... pajamas". I shouldn't be excited, but the kid spoke without any prompts! It's always so hard when he's sick. We never know what to do for him or how to help because he can't speak. (For those of you who are new to the blog, Little Bug has Autism) This is the closest we have ever gotten to him telling us how he's feeling. Obviously today he wants to be curled up in jammies. And while I'm not happy that he's sick (and that my list of things to do is getting tossed out the window) I'm glad that he was able to express this one little thing.
So, pajama day it is! Now, if you'll excuse me... I'm afraid there will be no blog reading today. I'm off to curl up with my kids, watch Wall-e and hope for more spontaneous speech.


  1. Sorry Little Bug is sick, but yay for progress! I hope he feels better soon.

    Why is it on the days we have so much to do a kid gets sick and throws all that "need to do" stuff out the window. Enjoy your cuddle time.

  2. I'm sorry Little Bug is sick but so excited to hear he told you he wasn't feeling well. That is wonderful.

    Hugs to you and him.

  3. hooray for a sick day...

  4. Progress is good! I hope the sick day turned out ok.

  5. Sorry about the sickness. THere really is nothing worse than sick kids, unless of course, mom is sick too! Good Luck! Hope you get a nap as well!

  6. I'm so sorry and hopefully no one else has gotten sick. Whenever we're feeling it, I declare a PJ Party Day and we do the exact same thing as you!

  7. While I'm sorry that he's sick, it's wonderful that he expressed his needs! :)

  8. Yay for the speech!! Any step is a step, no matter how big or small.

    Hope you guys are all feeling ok...

  9. What Nancy Face said.

    Sometimes it's good to just have a PJ day. My Fashionista is sick today (fever and sore throat too) we are staying in our PJs and watching movies.

  10. I love pajama days, they are good for the soul

  11. Such fun...pajama day that is. Sad that it sometimes only happens when the kids are sick, but, in my book, there are few things better than staying in your pajamas.

    Except for perhaps a new follower...which would be us...following your blog. Anyone who is willing to put up with me, like you have so graciously, needs to be followed.


  12. since i'm (reading and) writing this so late, i'm hoping little bug is feeling better.

    i think we need to have enough margins in our lives that when a day calls for jammies and a movie, that we can throw the plans out the window. i say, "good for you!" and good for little bug. you all benefit.

  13. Yay! Go, Bug! I'm so happy for him, and for you!


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