Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Want One
I've never used a laptop till this very moment. Sad, don't you think? Hubby tried to talk me into getting one a few years ago, but I was trying to be good. We needed the money for other things. I turned the offer down. Stupid, right?
Usually when I'm on the computer I'm away from the family. Our PC is in the master bedroom. It's the only place we could really put it when we first moved in. We could probably move it into the living room now, but I'm lazy. I don't want to do it.
But, as I sit here playing around, I'm tempted. Not to move the PC, but to purchase a laptop. This is fun. I'm part of my family's activities right now. I'm carrying on conversations and laughing while blogging. Usually I'm secluded (which is also nice from time to time). But, I'm liking the mobility here... and so I'm thinking that maybe... just maybe we could look into a laptop.
I'm working on a Dell right now and I like it. But I'm wondering, for those of you with laptops, what kind do you have? And do you like it?


  1. We bought a Toshiba last year, and I love it.

    We also have a PC, but I think it's really low on memory, and so the Internt tends to freeze up. It can take me twice as long to get through my Reader on my PC as it does on the laptop. Plus, I love to multitask and watch TV too, which I can't do on the PC.

    My husband takes the laptop for school most days, so I don't use it a lot. Also, we bought one of those lapdesk things, and a wireless mouse, and I use that. I hate the little mouspad on the laptop.

  2. it's nice to have a laptop, but a word of advice. i spend WAY more time on the computer since it's in the main living area. like right now.


  3. I don't think that I would ever blog or read blogs if the computer were tucked away somewhere. We bought a HP a little while back and it can be a pain but I still love it. Our desktop is a Dell and we love it.

  4. A new look for the blog too? I really need to cut out sleep entirely. It is getting in the way of my commitment to keeping up with my cyber-friends.

    Laptops are a tough call. If I was in the market, I would probably set my sights on the Mac with the super big screen. They are lovely and come in pretty colors.

    (That is my ultra non-technical advice.)


  5. I don't know alot about computers but when our PC died my husband went and purchased a Dell Laptop (used). It has been well worth the money and I love all that I can get done and still have fun with my kids at the same time. I could never go back. We love it!

  6. I used to use Neil's for that reason, but after Becca broke it he won't let me use it anymore. =(

    Since our computer is on our upper floor where our bedroom is, the kids follow me up here and play in my bedroom instead of their rooms with their toys. I had a chair in Becca's room once and used to sit there with the laptop while the kids played. Loved it!

  7. I have a MAC and I LOVE IT. I really love that I can take it anywhere I want to use it in the house--or when we're traveling.

  8. We have an HP. It's fine for what we need it for. It used to be DH's for homework but since he's done with school it became mine. I just leave it in the living room and can jump on it whenever I want.

  9. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Not only do I wish for a lap top, I wish for wireless internet. Oh how I want them both....

  10. We have two computers--one upstairs where you're cut off from the world and our laptop on the kitchen table. I LOVE IT. When the kids are eating breakfast and watchign Dora, I can sit right down. I can still be around them while getting some work done!

  11. If your gonna do it, do MAC! I will never, never go back to PC again. I never have to deal with viruses, etc, and Mac is just more intuitive and user friendly. I absolutely LOVE mine, and I love that it as a laptop. I can take into the family room when I want to be around the fam, or when I need to keep and eye on the family, and I can sneak away into my room and sit on the bed when I need more privacy. I can even take it to my kids room so I can keep my "mom eye" on them when they are supposed to cleaning their rooms, etc. It was also my lifeline when we were stuck in the hospital.
    Dennis has a Dell laptop, but it is clunky and slow. Love the Mac. Do the Mac.

  12. yep... once you've had a laptop, you'll never go back =D

    all four in my family have dell laptops and my husband - the computer expert of the family - would never use anything else. take that for what it's worth. whose laptop are you using?


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