Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Update in Pictures
Lots of pictures today about really random things... enjoy!
We got our fake tree up and decorated. Even though I'm not in love with the tree itself, I do love the fact that we gathered together and had fun decorating it! And, I do really like the way it looks, even if it doesn't smell the way I want.Little Bug took a break from decorating to play with our Fisher Price Nativity.It was Baby Girl's turn to put the star on this year. She was so excited!
Our hike on Saturday was amazing! The Autism Society chartered a bus to take us to the canyons. We watched Ratatouille and played around in style. When we got there we looked at some homes made out of palm fronds called "quiches". I'm sure that's not how you spell it, but that's how it's pronounced!The area was beautiful with lots of majestic rock formations and a stream! We live in a desert and it was so odd to see a natural stream out there.Our party at church was so fun! Hubby wasn't feeling very well after his test (which, he thinks he did okay on... we won't know till January) so I took Baby Girl and Red to the party. Little Bug doesn't always do well with crowds in confined spaces. So, he stayed home and played with Dad for the night. I got our costumes done but Baby Girl refused to have her picture taken. So, this is the best shot I have. She's the one in the bright green.Red agreed to pose with some of the "coins" they made for everyone to buy their dinner at the different little stands they had created. My birthday on Sunday was fantastic. Hubby made corn chowder for dinner and this is what we had for dessert...I still have some in my fridge if anyone would like to come over!
And, my last bit of randomness comes from this morning. I was opening blinds when I saw this guy...
That's some kind of hawk. And that pile of fluff he's sitting on? That would be a pigeon. Needless to say, I haven't eaten anything this morning. I can't seem to find my appetite just yet...
And there you have it! Lots of randomness just for you. I know you're excited, but please... try to contain yourselves :)


  1. Melissa, I think that the tree looks great! And I can't quite tell what the dessert is. I almost thought it was chocolate covered bacon. :)

  2. Please share your dessert recipe it looks yummy! Happy late birthday! I'm blog lurking this afternoon so I can listen to your awesome christmas playlist while I work on a project!

  3. Oh, if I only lived closer, I would be over for dessert.

    Your Ward party looks like it must have been great fun--a lot of work but great fun.

    I love decorating the tree with the family. So fun.

    Glad it was a great birthday dinner.

  4. I'm so glad your birthday was good. And that dessert looks fantastic.

  5. Holy bird.

    That cake looks yummy!

  6. i loved each and every one of your pictures.
    christmas tree-beautiful
    dessert-beyond yummy!!
    hawk-very cool
    thanks for sharing =)

  7. The desseret looked awesome! Come to think of it, so did the desert! It looked so warm and snowless. *sigh*

  8. I'm going to pretend all that stuff happened to me--except the pigeon carnage

  9. Yay! Christmas trees! (Don't they sell "pine" scent in a Glade candle or something? Or even a plug-in... you could plug it in somewhere by the tree.)

  10. We're waiting to buy a fake tree until they come scented.

  11. And it just FIGURES I miss your birthday. I've been better about reading blogs until I took a little break after Thanksgiving, and I miss your birthday.


    So happy late birthday, and I've written it down so I can be on time next year.

  12. Can't you just figure out a way to upload the dessert onto your blog? Looks...mmm...good.

  13. WHAT? I missed your birthday? OH, NOOO! :0

  14. Happy, happy birthday! :D

    The dessert looks just divine! :)

  15. I love all this great randomness! The tree! The hike! The party! YAY!

  16. But my favorite part of all is the hawk chowing down on the pigeon, hahaha! :D

  17. Hi Melissa!
    Happy Birthday. Glad to hear it was a good one. Great pictures. Your tree looks really nice. I love the lighting in the tree pictures. Poor Pigeon.
    Wow! The LSAT! Way to go Alan!

  18. I'm sorry to be late, but...

    Happy Birthday!

    I enjoyed that randomness - looks like a lot of fun, except for your Hubby being ill. :-( Not fun.

    We love our Little People nativity set here, too. I think the tree decorating looks great. ;-)

    Lots of fun going on at your place!

  19. yummy bid...uh i meant cake ! :)

  20. Um, that dessert looks YUMMY! :) And I love all the pictures. Btw - sorry I've been incognito lately. I'm reading - I really am!!! Just not doing so hot on commenting. Phooey! ;-)


    Happy belated birthday!!!


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