Saturday, December 13, 2008

Things I've Learned While Preparing Christmas Cards

  1. Gel pens are BAD for the backs of photos. The ink doesn't dry... ever. Well, okay, maybe it eventually does, but not till you've smeared it all over the place and made a huge mess!
  2. is an awesome site for locating long lost friends addresses. It's also kind of creepy to see how much information they had about me on there...
  3. There is no such thing as the perfect family photo. Find a semi decent one and move on.
  4. You don't have to send cards to every person you know... no really... you don't!
  5. The person who invented the Avery Wizard Label program was someone who had hand addressed their Christmas cards and realized that their hands would never be the same. Next year I will use the program, if I can get my fingers to work by then.
  6. If someone volunteers to help, accept it! Even having another person put on the stamps can be a big help.
  7. Don't wait too long or your Christmas cards may end up being New Years cards... or even Martin Luther King Day cards...
  8. Have a good attitude. If you're grumbling or complaining (not that I would EVER do that) while addressing the cards, it kind of defeats the purpose. Sure... you may have written an address WRONG 3 different times, but it's the thought that counts. And negative thoughts never helped anyone...
  9. Don't talk and write at the same time. You will soon find that you are writing your conversation down instead of happy thoughts or addresses.
And there you have it! Hopefully you can learn from my mistakes wisdom and enjoy your time getting cards ready.
Do you have any tips to add to the list for making Christmas cards easier?


  1. great tips. i've had valentine's Christmas cards before =)

  2. I just finished signing them, and will address them tomorrow!

  3. Great tips! I just finished mine today and am celebrating with a huge glass of Riesling.

    (PS Found your blog through the link below my BlogHer ads!)

  4. wonderful advice--I'm not doing any cards this year (at least I don't think so--If I decide to do them, they will be VERY LATE!!!)

  5. Go through your list and send e-cards to your online friends. There are some lovely animated ones. I even created one for the readers of my personal blog and linked to it from a post.

  6. Friends of ours send out an annual family letter in February. They did it one year because they ran late, decided they liked it, and now send their "holiday newsletter" in February every year.

  7. Yes - I was also going to suggest sending e-cards. You know, "save a tree?" ;-)

    I just don't send cards. It's just a source of frustration that was brought on by procrastination. Now that I've learned to not have that in my life, I only deal with the guilt of getting cards........... One thing at a time, I s'pose! ;-)

  8. I was sick all weekend (and still am), so I took the opportunity to sit on my booty for hours and hours on Saturday and write and hand address about 60 cards, and stamp them all by my little sick self! Yours is on its way...I'm sure the cold germs will evaporate before it reaches you! ;)

  9. Here's my big wow moment about Christmas cards: I'm not doing them this year. Ta-da! How easy is that? (Though I'll probably do them in another year or two...but with us moving around like we have, suddenly I have a very long list and figure we can't afford the postage.)

    This means you're all done, then, right?


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