Monday, December 29, 2008

The Sound of Music was on t.v. last night. I didn't get to watch it, but I did see enough commercials to get the music stuck in my head :)
I was buzzing around the house singing "My Favorite Things" and this is the conversation that followed...

Red: Mom, what is that song from?
Me: What do you mean? (I twirl and continue singing) Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...
Red: Is it from a movie?
Me: Yes.... bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens...
Red getting a little exasperated with his crazy mom: What movie is it from?
Me: It's called The Sound of Music.... (singing a little louder) brown paper packages tied up with strings...
Red: Doesn't sound like music to me!

Oh how I love my pre-teen child!


  1. I saw it for about 3 seconds, and then had to turn it off. I hope there's a time where I will be able to watch that movie again without wanting to kill myself. That's what happens when you are forced to watch it for 20 years in a row.

  2. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I think you and Red should have a movie date and watch it together! LOL :o)

  3. We just borrowed that from a friend a month or so ago and Boogers LOVED it! She loves anything with songs though so I wasn't too surprised. I agree with Anon, have a movie date with Mom! :)

  4. I wonder WHAT my 17 y.o. would think of the movie ; )

  5. oh, how i love the sound of music. one of my top 5 all time favorites. and i get a couple of the songs stuck in my head. edelweis being the biggest. now i feel like going out and renting it. now that i think about it, why don't i own that movie!?

  6. It's pretty hard to be puffed up when you have a preteen in the house! ;)


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