Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Haiku and Other Nonsense
Five blankets, still cold.
Stomach quivers, headache throbs.
Flu season is here.

Yeah. I've got the flu. Lucky me. Just thought I'd take a moment to let you know that I accomplished everything from my list yesterday. And it's a good thing since I won't be going anywhere today.
Now, onto the "Other Nonsense". As many of you know, I live in Southern California. It's warm here. Sorry, but it is. It doesn't snow... usually. But tonight?? Well, it's supposed to rain all night and drop below freezing... which means snow! We may see something like this...Palm tree... Pictures, Images and Photos
tomorrow morning! How crazy is that?
Okay... I'm going back to bed now. The nonsense is over...


  1. That picture is amazing!!

  2. Hugs--sorry you're not feeling well. Get better soon.

    Love the picture.

  3. Don't tell me it's cold there too! I've been dreaming of So. Cal. ever since I saw the -5 on my thermometer. Brrr!

  4. nooooooooooo! Not the flu! You seem to have been hit badly this year. I'm so sorry!

  5. I hope you feel better soon!! And I know it snowed in your local mountains according to my sister. Hope it's not too cold!

  6. Poor girl. I hope you feel better soon and I'm sending you some of our snow.

  7. Hee hee...your last post made me giggle (I want to sell mine too!), but I am so sorry you're sick, hun! ~hugs~

  8. i saw that it snowed in las vegas. they had video on the news. it was crazy. all these tourists playing in the snow outside the casinos =)

    i'm so sorry you're sick. what a lousy time to be sick. hope you feel better real soon and that it's all gone by Christmas day.

  9. I had to check your blog this morning to see if you got snow. So sorry you're not feeling well. So so sorry.
    My friend from PA flew to CA, spent several days with a friend in Palmdale, and then planned to drive up my way yesterday. Didn't happen. She got stuck on the highway after a semi jack-knifed, blocking all traffic. After being stuck for over an hour, she turned turned back, and she's now stuck in the snow in Palmdale. This is history in the making!
    I hope your flu is only the 24 hour one.

  10. It is never going to happen, my friend. Never ever. I have lived here most of my life. Had hail a few times, but snow never. Everywhere but here. Try not to get your hopes up again. You'll only be disappointed. Sorry.


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