Sunday, November 02, 2008

We got out our pool noodles and had a sword fight tonight. We chased each other around, giggled and showed no mercy in our "poodle" battle (pool+noodle=poodle. I know. We're weird). My muscles will probably seize up on me tomorrow, but it was worth it. You have no idea how good it felt to smack my family around a little. I think they felt the same way. This may become a new tradition. When things are a little stressful in our lives, we'll just go out and beat each other up with 6 foot long pieces of foam. You should try it. It's cheaper than therapy and I feel tons better. Apparently I had a lot of pent up feelings that I needed to get out. Maybe I need to take up kick boxing?
What do you do as a family to de-stress??


  1. Kickboxing is great, actually! I used to do it regularly, years ago. I really should start up again. Great way to lose weight and stress.

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun!

  3. we pout then use separate computers

  4. Uh, sadly, we don't really de-stress too much.

    We had a nice weekend, though, with Princess' party and a nice trip to the canyon. ;-)

    Sounds like you had a good time!

    I really should learn to de-stress...

  5. The pool noodles sound like a lovely idea. My boys would love smacking each other with those, but then again, it's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye.

  6. That sounds like a great way to de-stress ; )

  7. We watch Rollie Pollie Ollie and eat yogurt. It's random but it works.

    I'm getting shivers of delight whenever I visit your blog now!

  8. what a great idea! i'm sure you all not only had fun but relieved tons of stress.

  9. I dunno...I think I should get some of those pool noodles! ;)

  10. I think that's exactly why we all do taekwando at my house. Sometimes you just have to get it all out- safely.


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