Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Good morning Bloggernauts! How are you on this fine Tuesday before Thanksgiving?
Me? I'm freezing my tail off. Something possessed us last week. Something sinister, I'm sure. Whatever it was it convinced us to spend some time in Idaho, which is where I am at this very moment.
It's always great to see family and friends, but... it's IDAHO! In NOVEMBER! I mean, really... what were we thinking?!? We awoke to a balmy 20 degrees this morning. It's going to warm up to a delightful 45 sometime around midday.
Apparently we have all acclimated to the California desert because I'm feeling a little bit popsicle-ish right now. All the locals (aka - family) are saying how nice it is for November. I'm laughing and putting on another layer of clothing.
I'm not going to be able to read blogs or write on here till the beginning of next week. We've got so much going on right now. We're having a great time, even though we look like the little brother in "A Christmas Story" after he gets his big ol' snow suit on. We're going to play and laugh and enjoy one another.
On Saturday we'll be at Temple Square to see the lights. I'm really looking forward to it. My kids have never seen them and it's been a long time since I've been there either. I know it will be cold, but if any of you bloggernauts would be brave enough to venture out to meet us there, email me and we'll plan a time and location to meet up on Temple Square! If you can't meet on Temple Square, well, we probably won't be able to visit this time. We've got to try to get to St. George after our time in SLC.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I hope you'll be spending the day with those that you love and eating delicious food that you love even more!


  1. Hey, at least it's not snowing yet!

  2. Oh I am so happy for you. Enjoy your holiday. It's cold but it is so worth it to be with family.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Melissa.

  3. Is everyone I know going to be in Utah this weekend? Grr! Umm...I mean, I hope you all have a lovely time!

  4. Have a great week and try to stay warm!

  5. Oooh, I cannot handle Idaho in the winter. Good luck, my friend! ;-)

    I'm not much for the crowds, so enjoy Temple Square without me.

    We'll be putting up the tree and other decorations that day. We have dinner with my family on Thursday, and with Hubby's family on Friday.

    Happy Thanksgiving!! :-)

  6. You now have the smallest idea of how awful cold is for me. I didn't just acclimate to beautiful southern california weather, I spent the first 18 years of my life there!

    Glad your getting to visit family. It's always the best part of the holidays for me.

  7. Sorry you are freezing but, I Hope you have fun!

  8. It would have been so fun to see you but we will be in Emmett for the Holiday. Hope you have a great time and you know it is pretty nice weather here for November (I am an Idaho girl!)

  9. sorry it's so cold there. relatives that come visit us here in colorado from california always complain how cold it is - and it could be 50 degrees!

    hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving! talk to you next week.

  10. brrrrr. i love las vegas in the fall for a REASON! need a place to rest/ sleep on the way home?

  11. I wish we could get over there to see you! Stay warm and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  12. Anonymous11:46 PM

    I'm getting cold just thinking about it! LOL!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, too.

  13. I'm loving the mental image of "A Christmas Story" clothing! :D

    We still haven't needed to turn on our heater! ;)

  14. Ohhhh, the lights at Temple Square are what I miss the most about living in Utah. Such a great tradition!

    I hope you have a blast...."freezing" temperatures and all. :-)

  15. Hope you had a great holiday!


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