Friday, October 24, 2008

I know I already blogged a little about Baby Girl's birthday and how Murphy's Law lost a great battle, but I thought I'd share a few pictures from that fun day.
We did a "Fancy Nancy" dinner just with the family. Baby Girl wanted spaghetti and kool-aid slush. So, just to make it a little fancier, I pulled out some old green goblets and found the little paper umbrellas. Nothing too great, but she thought it was fantastic! (Yeah, her teeth are blue from the slush)I made little crowns out of royal icing for the cupcakes. They were really easy to throw together. They aren't anything amazing, and the red one broke (you can see where I stuck it back together), but Baby Girl loved them! She had an "Art Party" with her friends. We let them draw with sidewalk chalk while we waited for everyone to arrive. Then we gave each kid a canvas just like a REAL artist (you can get a 3 pack of canvases from WalMart for $3.50 - they aren't fabulous, but they worked...). The kids loved it! After that we came in and had each kid make their own personal pizza. We used frozen rolls for the crust, so it was pretty simple. While the pizzas were baking we let Baby Girl open gifts and then we ate pizza and had cupcakes. Again, I used royal icing to make little artist pallet candies to go on the cup cakes. Overall, I'd say she had a pretty fantastic birthday!


  1. Those cupcakes look SO good!

  2. What a wonderful birthday party. The cupcakes are cute, cute, cute!! Little miss talented.

  3. I'm so glad it was a success! Love those crowns, too!

  4. First of all, Baby Girl is so CUTE! Blue teeth and all! ;-) And - what a cute party! Don't you love it when they get all jazzed about the little things? WTG MOM!

  5. Blue teeth are very artistic. Love the princess cupcakes.

  6. What a great idea--you are so clever.

    I'm glad baby girl had such a wonderful time.

  7. How fun! Memories are made from times like these.

    And then they are all grow'd up. (sigh)

    Have a great day!

  8. What a fun party! You had some great ideas in there! Those cupcakes were awesome. Way to go super Mom!

  9. LOVE the pictures but would you believe it was just yesterday at Haddie's Halloween party that I heard of Fancy Nancy for the first time? Man, I've been missing out!

  10. Her happy face says it all! :D

    I loved everything you did! :)

  11. I haven't ever been to your blog before, BUT you comment on the blogs I comment on... So I just had to check it out.

    I love it!

    Darling cupcakes and beautiful girl!

  12. I love the crown cupcakes. I can't do anything with frosting

  13. Cute cupcakes! Cute girl! Cute pizzas! Cute party ideas!

    We make personal pizzas using pita bread and they turn out really crispy and delicious.

  14. Oh my goodness, that looks like so much fun! I love the crown cupcakes! That is a great idea.

  15. I can't beleive how much she's grown. I think she was maybe 2 the last time I saw you? She's beautiful! I'll have to suggest a Fancy Nancy dinner for Martha's upcoming birthday.

  16. I love your "cocktails"! :) The cupcakes look awesome!

  17. Aww, that last picture is awesome!

  18. I am so stealing that cupcake concept! Brilliant!

  19. what a fun looking party. you did a great job on everything. how could she not enjoy it? thanks for sharing the pics.

    oh, and i love the icing crowns.

  20. You rock Mom! It looks like fun. She's just beautiful!

  21. Hey, I've been missing you.
    Everything ok?

  22. it all looks like so much fun! It was great seeing you guys. And I like the new look

  23. You're awesome. :-)

    Happy (belated, as usual) Birthday to her!

  24. You are so creative!!! Looks like a great party!


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