Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Wii Warning
I let my kids have video game time every day. It's limited to half an hour (unless I get into blog reading on the computer and then... well... sometimes they end up playing a little longer... ::hangs head in shame::). Today Red played the PlayStation and then Baby Girl wanted to play some of the Wii Sport games. She bowled for awhile (6 strikes... 5 of which were in a row!), then she played baseball and I think she attempted golf for a minute. Then she asked if Red could have the rest of her time because she wanted to watch him do the boxing game. I was in the middle of paying bills and she only had a few minutes left, so I said, "Sure - go ahead."
Now, I don't know if you've ever done boxing on the Wii. You've gotta really throw those punches to get it to register for the game. And Red? Well, he's undefeated. He really goes wild and throws his whole body into it.
As I said before, I was here, on the computer paying bills when I heard him yell. I assumed that he had been defeated for the first time and went on. Then I heard him gasp and then cry out in pain. I ran in to check on him. He was bent over holding his neck and unable to move very well. He couldn't bend his head to the left or to the front. We alternated cold and hot packs and tried to keep him still... it's doing better, but still sore. We'll watch him really close tomorrow and if he's still in pain, we'll probably take him in.
But I wonder... will our insurance cover an injury that occurred whilst playing a video game?? Hopefully we won't have to find out.


  1. Ouch! So did he just pull his muscle or what do you think is wrong with him?

  2. You know, I've been really wanting Wii. I had no idea they were so dangerous.

    Hope it's just a muscle pull and everything's ok.

  3. Maybe the Wii should be an Olympic sport, too???

    Like randi, I hope it's just a pulled muscle.

  4. i, too, hope you don't have to find out. i know you have to throw yourself into some of those games but i never thought about injury. hope he's feeling better today.

  5. There's a first. "Boy sustains injury while playing video game!" (Back in my day, the worst you could do was get really sore thumbs. This is where technology gets us, huh?)

    Hmm. I hope he feels better soon. And really--what could it be BUT a pulled muscle? Maybe you should make him stretch and do warm-ups before allowing him to play with the Wii?

  6. Wow! Thanks for the warning! Easy to forget that while it's a game, it's still a lot like playing the actual sport.

    Hope Red is okay!

  7. BWAHAHAHAAH about the injury. I'm sure the claims department has heard it all. :-)

  8. Yikes, I've read all kinds of stories about injuries from the Wii. The most common seesm to be Wii elbow. I hope Red feels better tomorrow.

  9. Oh yeah, but I still love it!!

  10. I hear about lots of sore muscles and stuff from Wii games...I hope it's not worse than that! :(

  11. HAHAHA That is so funny! It shouldn't be, but it kinda is. Glad to hear that he is feeling better!


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