Friday, August 22, 2008

Okay, if you read my last post, you'll know how completely annoyed I was with the school... but we got it worked out. Here's the scoop...
Last year he went to R. Elementary as a kindergartner. They still have him registered at R. Elementary in the kindergarten program , even though he will be going to F. Elementary this year as a 1st grader. I have to go in on Monday and fill out a bunch of paperwork to get him switched because the district is weird and can't just send the info from one school to the other. I have to physically take it from one office to the other. You'd think that in this day and age of such great technology that it wouldn't be a big deal to send an email or a fax with the info. Whatever. I'll drive around and get it done.
For some reason on one part of his file it said that he would be going from 9:00-11:30. In another area of his file it listed him as a full day student. Not sure why it happened that way, but it did. She corrected the time in the file and hopefully after I get him registered at the right school, we'll be set.
Except for the transportation... his class starts at 8:20 and the bus is supposed to be here at 8:30 to pick him up. Make sense... if you work for the school district. So, we'll clean up that mess and THEN everything SHOULD be okay.
Basically it was a clerical error. I'm glad they sent that letter out so we could fix this BEFORE school starts. I suppose I should apologize for the things I said about the district in my last post.
Dear School District,
I'm sorry I was so angry. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I'm afraid that my past dealings with you have made me weary and a tad defensive.
Respectfully yours,
A calmer (for now) Mama Bear


  1. A very logical conclusion to jump to! So glad it's working out okay!

  2. Besides the headache of having to deal with it all, I'm glad it's working out. :)

  3. I'm so glad it is worked out.

  4. I don't think you were in the wrong, either...I would have felt the exact same way. I'm so glad it all came together!

  5. LOL! That was hilarious! You always crack me up!

    I really mean that.

  6. it was a logical conclusion, especially for someone who has to deal with the pitfalls of schooling for a special needs student. i'm sure you're always having to check on things and fight for what you think your child needs in order to succeed.

    glad it worked out and hope he has a great year with another great teacher.

  7. Whew. And no, you SHOULD jump to conclusions and be prepared to beat the living wombats outta anybody who looks like they're gonna give Bug the short end of the stick. That is what makes you a good mommy.

    As for us blog spectators, it's too bad that it didn't come to a fight, and you record the whole thing and put it on YouTube... I would LOVE to see a school administrator with a fat lip.

  8. What? What's wrong with that schedule? 8:30 sounds right, or is it just me???


  9. Why does eveything has to be so hard? I'm glad you got most of it work out and hopefully the bus pickup thing can be fixed too.

  10. It's hard to avoid remembering past issues. While I don't want J to have any issues with the bully this year, I'm almost just hoping something happens so I can let the principal have it. Bad attitude, I know. But, as history has shown...

  11. So how do I find you on goodreads the link doesn't take me to your profile?

  12. Oh, I'm so glad things are working out better now! :)


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