Sunday, August 10, 2008

I recently joined GoodReads and have enjoyed finding new books to read and rating the ones I've already read. It's also fun to see what my friends are perusing in their spare time. But I am wondering about an odd phenomenon I've found on the site...
You see, I have Brisingr by Christopher Paolini on my "to be read" shelf (third book in the Inheritance Series - first book is Eragon, second is Eldest). It makes sense to put it on that shelf because the book doesn't come out till September 20th. But, somehow this book has already been rated... 4.63 stars out of 5 to be exact. Now, maybe it's just me, but isn't it rather difficult to rate a book that's not published yet? Maybe they've somehow stolen a copy or perhaps they have psychic abilities that allow them to see things that my mere mortal mind just can't comprehend... either way, I hope the book is as good as they've rated it. I am really looking forward to reading it.
What about you? Are there any books coming out in the next little while that you can't wait to get your hands on?


  1. I think that I need to become a part of this club. I am always on the look out for good books. Not crappy, the world likes them books. I have tried that before, not a good experience.
    I am with you, maybe they are psychic. Too bad you can't see who did the rating, maybe they have the book and you could get it sooner!

  2. Heh, I figured out why that happens! Some people get advanced reader copies of books and get a chance to rate and review them to create a "buzz" for upcoming releases.

    Can't wait for Brisingr!

  3. Zach can't wait to read the next Christopher Paolini book! So the psychics like it, eh? ;)

  4. I just blew through Breaking Dawn in a few days. I think I will take a sabbatical so I can actually get something done. :-)

  5. I just checked out the newest Artemis Fowl book... if I can ever get my oldest to finish it and pass it on, I'll let you know if I like it!

  6. There goes Kimberly, blowing the psychic theory out of the water...

    I'm still waiting to get my hands on a copy of Breaking Dawn--I know you aren't a HUGE fan of the series, but have you kept up with it?

  7. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I haven't been keeping up with future releases. I have a hard enough time trying to catch up with the books I have now! hee hee

  8. i'm not much of a book series reader. i like certain authors and look forward to their new releases.

    as far as the rating, can you rate that book even though it hasn't been published? i bet people are just rating it because they are looking forward to it like you are.

  9. I don't know how they can rate books until they're published either???


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