Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Wait.... What?
Ready for more randomness... no? Too bad! It's another random post for the day... if you want to read something meaningful, go back and read the post before this one!
  • Where did June go? I kept looking at my calendar today thinking it was the twenty-something of June... who gave permission for it to be July? I'd really like to know! I feel like I blinked and missed an entire month.
  • We have cabin fever. I know most people get this in the winter, but it was 117 here today. It was 118 yesterday. It's supposed to be 116 tomorrow and the day after that. So, we are hiding in our house. And the kids? They are going crazy. And the mom? She is going crazier. Help us!
  • I just finished a book called "The Door Within" and I really liked it. It reminded me of C.S. Lewis - very allegorical. Lots of adventure. Lots of fun. And a good message.
  • Little Bug is still awake. It's after 10. The kid just doesn't believe in sleep. He was up till after 11 last night and the night before. I think I need more Burnt Almond Fudge ice cream while I wait for him to drift off...
  • Baby Girl watched one of the Barbie Princess movies today. She sighed and mooned over the Prince and I wondered if these movies are going to give her unrealistic views of romance and relationships. Then I decided that I would work on that tomorrow and let her watch another one (remember - 117 degrees outside...)
  • I'm exhausted. Hubby was gone for a week before we went on our trip. I don't sleep when he's gone. I toss and turn and let me overactive imagination take over. Then we went on our trip and I slept in the same room as Baby Girl. The same Baby Girl who talks and grinds her teeth in her sleep. I didn't sleep for 2 weeks. Can you catch up on sleep? Or will I just be deprived forever?
  • My brother took this picture. I wonder if this is what I'll look like when I'm a ghost? He was going to show me how to play with the shutter speed and aperture and all that good stuff, but we ran out of time. He might come with my parents for a visit this fall. If he does, I'll have to make sure he teaches me a few things...
Well, that's it for now. Some of Hubby's family is here in Southern California for the rest of the week. So, I may be absent for the next few days! I hope y'all have a wonderful 4th of July (oh, and Happy late Canada Day to all my friends up North)!


  1. I love random...and I love your patriotic blog design! Happy 4th of July! :D

    (It's horribly hot here, too...UGH!)

  2. Sheesh I hope at least you're not too cheap to run the A/C.!

  3. Hellooooo! I've missed you! Funky new template, but I hope the old one comes back eventually, loved that one. Anyway, apparently I'm in a mood to whine, eh? =P

    Welcome home!

  4. Hellooooo! I've missed you! Funky new template, but I hope the old one comes back eventually, loved that one. Anyway, apparently I'm in a mood to whine, eh? =P

    Welcome home!

  5. Anonymous9:37 AM

    OooOOooo... That's my sound effect contribution to your ghost photo. lol! :)

    Glad you're gonna participate in the Favorite Things Swap, it's gonna be a blast!

  6. And I thought that 110 was unbearable.

  7. I can't sleep when hubby's gone, either. So I'll be glad when the Mr. gets back tonight.

  8. No, you will never catch up on the sleep, you just get more and more sleep deprived, and then you cant think straight, and you start to talk about something, and then lose your train of thought and then you start typing comments on your friends blogs and make mystakes and forget to punctuate and then you cant rem...............what?
    What was I talking about?

    Excuse me, I need to go take a nap.

  9. I know! Summer's half over already.

    118?!? That is freakin crazy. You need to move a bit North, my dear. I can't complain about the heat in front of you!

  10. I think the same thing about the princess stories...they are very backward. I hope you can get a nap in before the weekend! Isn't there a mall or something close that you can take the kids to to run around?

  11. Hey, I LOVE the Stars And Stripes theme! I feeel like I should stop typing and put my hand over my heart or something!


    Those are all songs to describe Houston right now. We did get a nice little cool breeze on Saturday night but other than that it's 100 percent humidity every single stinkin day!

  13. 100 and how many? I would just melt into a puddle for sure. I'm staying here in my nice cool (well, compared to that) Northwest.

  14. Holy Heat Wave, Batman! I don't think I'd be able to stand it. Way to hang in there!! And, uh, I'd be watching Princess Movie after Princess Movie in your situation...

    And sorry, I'm pretty sure sleep isn't 'catchupable.' I've been trying for, like, EVER. Just not ready to give up on the fantasy yet.

  15. (Love the patriotic design, BTW!)

  16. that picture is a little freaky.

    i can't even imagine 117 degrees. does it cool down in the evening? i don't imagine too much. i'd go stir crazy, too.

    hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. stay cool =)

  17. That is way too hot. I know I complain about the cold but at least with cold you can put on a sweater, a jacket, etc., but when it's hot there's not much you can do.

    Sorry about the sleep or lack of it--hope you catch up somehow.

    I love people who can do all that stuff with a camera--I'm just a point and shoot kind of photographer. That is so cool.

    Hope you had a great 4th of July.

  18. Holy moly, I thought it was hot here

  19. If your brother teaches you anything on the camera that's cool, be sure to share.

    Do you have a wading pool? Sprinklers? Slip 'n' slide? ANYTHING? (Or is there a ban on everything fun because of drought?)


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