Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I Shouldn't...
...but I'm gonna anyway... today Red had some homework about the digestive system. It was pretty hard for him to get through. He brought the page in for me to look at. But, I was in the middle of getting my buttocks kicked by Baby Girl in Mario Party 8. So, I asked him to read the question out loud. Now, I'll be honest here. I didn't catch the first part of the question... but I did catch the part where he said"... in the large Einstein."
Me: "What did you say?"
Red: "It's a question about the small and large Einsteins."
At this point I'm laughing my head off and of course, he doesn't see why this is so funny.
I had to retell the story to Hubby when he got home. He laughs and then I turn to Red and ask...
"Do you know who Einstein is?"
"Yes. I do now! He's that monster guy."
He then proceeds to put his arms out in front of him and moan and groan.
I'm laughing so hard at this point that I can barely say...
"Do you mean Frankenstein?"
Ah. This is why I had kids. For my own personal amusement. To his credit, I did ask him again if he knew who Einstein was. And he said...
"He was a genius."
Correct! But the process to get to that point was just what this tired momma bear needed!


  1. Classic! That's a story you'll be telling at family gatherings for the next 40 years.
    I love it when kids get words mixed up.

  2. I'm will jill--that is a classic. Thanks for sharing--I needed a good laugh today, and that definitely is a good one.

  3. Bwhahahahah! That is so, so fabulously funny!

  4. Anonymous4:12 PM

    That could be a sitcom episode! LOL!

  5. Funny! These are the moments that make us mom happy that we have kids. Too bad that they dont happen 24/7

  6. The whole "stein" thing has always thrown me for a loop as well. :-)

  7. Adorably funny!!!! That is part of the reason they get to live. To bring amusement to our hum drum lives.

  8. That's so funny! Love it! :D

  9. oh, I'm careful about that stuff, to, and will be checking out these sites you just listed. i just recently watched Hannah Montana because all my 5 year old daughter's friends watch it, but after one viewing I can assure you MY KID won't be watching it any time soon.

  10. *snort*

    Thanks, Red!

  11. We hit the Chinese buffet yesterday. My Einsteins doth worketh overtime today!

    My 10 year old son gets things confused all the time, too! One time when the kids were watching Cirque Du Soleil on DVD he started shouting, "Wow, that guy is dancing on CROTCHES!!!"

    Of course I snapped to attention to see the guy was indeed dancing but it was on crutches. :) My son also called a jukebox, "juice box" for the longest time and text messages, "Tex Mexages."

  12. i'm not sure that's why i had kids but it sure has been an added benefit. honestly, the things that come out of their mouths =)

  13. That's hilarious. I love it when gets get confused. It's makes great comedy.


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