Friday, June 06, 2008

Have we become to desensitized? Do we see scenes like this so often in movies, TV, and video games that we forget a real human life is at stake here? Watch this video.

The police car that came along? Technically it was responding to another call. They don't have record of ANYONE calling 911 to report this accident. They all just stood there and gawked as a 78 year old man lay on the pavement bleeding.
Red came in while I was watching this. I asked him what he could see happening. He said, "No one is helping... why aren't they helping?" We talked about how sometimes people are afraid and about the best ways he could help in a situation like this - running to get an adult or finding a phone to call 911. He's a pretty sensitive kid and maybe this is bad of me, but I was pleased to watch his eyes fill with tears when he asked, "Will he be okay?". He still has a sense of humanity and compassion and I am so thankful for that.
This post kind of ties in with my last post. Our homes need to be places where our kids can learn to be sympathetic, kind, merciful human beings. Apparently that's not a lesson they'll learn whilst out in the "real world". I know there are good people out there, but I went back and counted the cars that went by or were coming the other direction and turned around (10 counting the scooter) and the number of people that just stood there (about 15). Seriously? 25+ people that didn't even touch the guy or pick up a phone? Grrr...
What about you? Does this video shock you at all? Are you surprised at the crowd's reaction? I took a poll on AOL and only 64% of people were surprised that no one helped him. 21% said they weren't surprised AT ALL! And 15% said they were only somewhat surprised. 95% of those people did say they would have helped. 4% were a maybe and 1% said no. Apparently the entire 1% of the population that wouldn't help was sitting on that corner.
So, what do you think? I'd like to hear your thoughts on this...


  1. That is beyond disturbing. Maybe I'm naive, but I'm shocked that nobody rushed to help him.

  2. I am with you. I know that if I saw an accident happen, I would stop and see what I could do to help.
    I would like to try and restore your faith in mankind. I have seen on more than 3 or 4 occasions-people stopping and helping when something is wrong. I have stopped before when i have seen a wreck to see what I could do. I have not stopped when someone has car trouble.
    i have reasons for this
    A: I don't know how to fix a car. I could not offer any sort of help on this.
    B. The only time I have ever seen this happen, the people have had a cell phone. SInce that is the only thing that I can offer the poor people with car trouble. Maybe i could give them some fruit snacks and crayons. Since these are not the items that they are probably hoping for, i don't think I could help.

    But let me say this; your post has opened my eyes. If I see someone in trouble on the side of the road and the situation looks safe, I will stop. Espescially if it is a woman with kids, I could off help with her.
    Ok-I really hope that I don't sound like a total idiot in this post. My children kept interupting me 100x and i kept losing my train of thought. How is that for an excuse!

  3. That made my heart hurt.......that is someone's father, grandpa, brother, uncle, friend. I was almost screaming at the computer, HELP HIM!! Truly sad.

  4. I saw this on FOX News yesterday and sat totally stunned. I'm happy to know that my husband wouldn't be one of those idiots. He recently stopped to help a car accident and pulled a pretty messed up guy out of his car, called 911, etc. I agree with you though, I think we just are so over-stimulated by scenes like this . I'm guessing most of the people thought they were being punked.

    I appreciated your last blog entry. I completely agree with you that our homes should be the OPPOSITE of what the kids hear and see out in the world. A complete haven.

  5. OMGoodness, I saw this report on Fox news today around noon. I am shocked, appalled, grieved....

    I cannot believe that this is the society into which we have evolved. Well, in some ways I can believe it.

    I actually saw a news clip (don't remember where) with the participants discussing how people are being advised not to assist with CPR on someone who needs it, to guard against the transmission of aids and such.

    I guess I can understand that, on some minute level, but overall - I'm just so sad that this is where we're at.

    So sad. So infuriating. All at once. :(

  6. So beyond sad. I can't believe no one called 911. I mean you don't even have to help the guy but at least get someone there who can, kwim?? It just shocks me how many people drove by and especially the guy who hit him and then just took off down the side street. There were a couple people that pulled over and looked like they might stop but then kept driving. Um hello? The guy is still hurt and no one's helping! Ahh!

    A few months ago there was an accident in front of our apartment complex. We can see the road and so I looked out to see what I could do. Luckily there was no one injured. The lady said call 911 so I did to just report it and then made sure the cops showed up. It was EASY! That's all those people had to do. INsane...

  7. That is the saddest thing I have ever seen. How rude. Where was this? I have personally came upon 2 accidents on the road and stopped to help. My friend and I were the first respondents. We immediately called 911 and did what we could to help. One of the accidents this lady had hit a cow and she had 3 little kids in her car. One of the kids would not let go of my friend and she ended up riding in the ambulance with her. That is how needy people are that are hurt. This world sucks.

  8. I think some of it is shock. People aren't even sure they just saw what they think they saw...and keep driving. Or people aren't sure how to help? Or are afraid to? Or they assume that someone else will know what to do and will do it...poor people. Though I believe the majority of humankind is not so hardened they could watch this and turn away...I will believe them confused and shocked. Not cruel.

    The person driving the CAR, however, that HIT him--uh, driving away? Not stopping? HUH? No, no, no. That is cowardice and selfishness. Shame.

  9. I've seen people show more compassion when an animal has gotten run over than what was shown to this elderly man.

    And yes I'm horrified.....horrified that if something happens to a member of my family out in public nobody will help them or even summon help.

  10. as my eyes filled with tears, i kept screaming [in my head], why doesn't anyone run to him and help him? why doesn't any of the cars stop? why didn't the car that hit him not stop?

    i am appalled! not only at what's shown on the video but at your statistics, as well. what kind of world do we live in? i want to live somewhere else!

  11. How terrible. I would have never thought in a million years that no one would come to help him. I just have to believe that this isn't the norm. Wow. What is this world coming to?

  12. For what it's worth, I HAVE helped people. I have pulled over and reported car accidents, strange incidents and people stranded. I have offered my cell phone if there was car trouble, I have helped lost children find parents (always scary nowadays) and I always try to lend a helping hand. (Don't I sound like a girl scout?)

    Basically, I cannot fathom what drives people to stand and watch. I don't understand the draw to watch without helping. I feel COMPELLED to help... isn't that a basic human urge?

  13. That is HORRIBLE. I can't believe no one stopped. Why wouldn't people try to help. I'm just shocked.

  14. That is amazingly sad. I can't believe there was NOBODY that could help him.
    I'll tell you the truth though, the sight of blood makes me pass out, so I wouldn't have been able to go help.
    I certainly would have called the police, though!


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