Sunday, May 25, 2008

404 Error
It seems that we have an error here in our town... the "cheap" gas station (you know, the one that is ALWAYS lower than everywhere else) is now up to $4.04 for a gallon of gas. Sigh. I know there are places where it's higher than this, but it's still annoying! I'm afraid we've had to cancel all of our travel plans for the summer. It's just too expensive to drive home. We were going to take a little day trip tomorrow, but we've scaled that back to something more local. I try not to go out and run errands more than once or twice a week. We're doing everything we can to make each tank last for as long as possible.
What is the price of gas in your area? Are you changing any of your summer plans because of the cost? Or are you still going to do the things you'd planned? Has it affected your every day living at all?
Enquiring minds want to know...


  1. It was $3.84 on Saturday. I'm sure it will be higher tomorrow. We're not going to Eastern Idaho for a reunion tomorrow and I've done the same thing you have with my errands and shopping. I do them all on Tuesday and Thursday while Ethan is at karate!

  2. It's getting so ridiculous. I have a seminary student who does not live in our boundaries, but rather than doing home study he makes the 40 minute trip (each way). His mom told me today if gas keeps going up he will have to do home study next year.

  3. My husband fixed all the bikes yesterday. I think we will be riding them often. I keep trying to get him to make me a rickshaw.

  4. Our's was $3.70ish yesterday at Sam's Club - 10 cents more at Chevron...

    We were thinking about taking our boat to Lake Powell this year, but cancelled due to the gas situation... too expensive to tow it there with our gas guzzler suburban and gas on the lake at the marinas will likely run $6-7 a gallon!

  5. It's $4.04 here too. Outrageous. I wish I could say we were taking drastic measures to conserve but n ot too much. I try not to waste gas just running mundane errands, but other than that not really. We didn't really have any driving summer plans anyway.

  6. it's around $3.85 here. we weren't planning on any big driving trips this summer so we're not having to change any of that. but just local trips are being rethought. it sucks!

  7. Anonymous10:20 PM

    I'm quite crabby about the gas rates because of summer coming up. It's going to hit $4.00 tomorrow, if not more.

    We're planning on using the transit system they've got in place here for our "day trips." Should be fun... bleh.

  8. 3.70 something. I make my husband fill the car with gas all the time now, because I get sick to my stomach every time I see how much it costs.
    Ignorance is bliss.
    I've cut way back on the amount of driving I do. If it's not absolutely necessary, I don't make the trip.

  9. Ours isn't as high as yours...YET! I try to organize errands like you are doing, and our only summer trips will be within our state. Zach is leaving this morning for a scout leadership camp in the mountains three hours away, and we have to go pick all the boys up on Saturday at our own expense...ugh! Of course, stuff like that didn't used to be a big deal at all! :0

  10. It's down to $3.98 here. It's down from $4.00. Not sure why the drop. I try not to think about the fact that it's my Yukon I get to drive everywhere. We try not to go up to the Tri-cities any more than completely necessary also.

  11. Prices here are at about $5.20 a gallon now, definitely affecting our summer plans! Neil has a trip planned and it was actually cheaper for him to fly!

  12. our gas is about 3.85. I run errands only once a week now and count in my head how much I think I;ve used up. sad

  13. The gas thing is driving me crazy. I just don't understand it no matter what anyone tells me. Our gas price this weekend was $3.87. We have altered out plans a bit but we weren't really going to far to begin with.

  14. Anonymous12:29 AM

    I believe we're over $4/gallon now but when I was in Maui recently, the gas was over $5! Yikes!

  15. We're 3.80s here and it kills me every time I fill up. But 4.04? You take the cake!

  16. Only 3.89 when I went for gas this morning! I just closed my eyes and didn't even look at the total cost...I feel much better when I do that, especially since I seem to keep needing gas, which I can't control. I do drive less though.

  17. My hubby sold his car, so we now have one car, and he is building an electric car in our garage. It's delightful. Not. But it will be worth it in the end.

  18. My last fill-up was 3.73 a gallon. The problem is we've already scaled way back on stuff but since we work with our vehicles the cost of gas comes directly out of our paychecks and there's really nothing we can do about it. We don't leave the house unless we absolutely HAVE to!!! And I've begun feeding us with stuff from the 99 cents only store a lot....and then I blog about it on my food blog because I get all excited to find stuff cheap.

  19. I was going to take the kids to Homeschool Family Camp an hour past San Antonio again this year but unless prices drastically come down between now and Septmeber that ain't happening.

  20. The gas for our car is $3.99, and for the van it's $3.89.

    And, yes, we're changing EVERYTHING, basically.


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