Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Then You Stand
I'm trying to do a few things that will help me feel a little better. I'm not trying to forget, just trying to raise my spirits a bit!

  • Changed the music on my playlist. I'm hoping that some different songs will help put me in a better place.
  • I read a good book yesterday - the second Fablehaven book. It was fantastic! The third one comes out in April and I'm really excited!
  • I spent some time with the kids yesterday afternoon. We threw rocks in a bucket of water. They loved it and so did I.
  • I watched some TV last night and truly just zoned out. It was nice.
  • Hubby brought home this box for me... I've only had two so far...

I am doing much better. I am learning a lot about myself and trying to focus more on relationships. I'm still doing a little hiding out... but for the most part, I'm moving forward.


  1. Good for you, melissa. I'm glad you are doing much better.

    (I'm just sighing as I look at those candy bars--yum!)

  2. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Chocolate always does the trick. Hope your spirits are lifted soon! Hang in there!

  3. I love to zone out in front of the TV - one of my flaws. ;)

    Hope you're feeling much better soon.


  4. I'm trying to get on with things too. I've made rice crispy treats and eaten more candy than usual too. Somehow it helps? I heard the funeral went well. I'll e-mail you the details I heard. Good luck.

  5. I am glad you are feeling a bit better. Chocolate always does seem to put things into perspective ;)

  6. I'm glad you had some time to think and spend with your family. Enjoy that chocolate!

  7. I'm so glad you are doing better. Please, please, please if you need a break from life just call me. I can watch your kids and you can have some time to yourself. Or even better, Greg can watch the kids (he won't mind, I promise) and we'll do something fun together.

  8. grief is a process. i'm glad you're feeling better but you'll probably still have days where the sadness will be overwhelming. you remain in my prayers.

    and in my opinion, chocolate soothes all hurts :]

  9. I'm glad you are feeling better, but one thing I've learned is things like this just take time. I hope the chocolate makes you feel better!!

  10. Hiding out is good if it is helping you successfully refocus.

    However for me, my hiding out would not include chocolate because ALL of those would be gone!!!

  11. That's one of my favorite songs. Love Rascal Flatts.
    I'm so glad you're doing better.

  12. Chin Up! Eat some chocolate, and life as always, moves on whether we like it or not. I remember when a good friend of mine passed away in a tragic ocean accident, and it was so weird trying to live out each day afterward normally. A day at a time.

  13. Sending you giant hugs.

  14. I'm glad you are doing things to pick you up a bit. Chocolate and fun with the kids is the way to go for sure.

  15. Throwing rocks in the bucket sounds so simple...and completely fun! :)

    You have amazing restraint. If those candy bars were in my house, I would make them disappear in a day! I only have will power if there is NOTHING yummy in the house! :0

  16. I love the Fablehaven series. I can't wait for more either.

  17. I love that you threw rocks! That is awesome!!!

    I am positive chocolate heals all wounds.

  18. You are a paragon of self-control, Melissa.

    Something that we don't share despite the Melissa connection. Twix don't last long around here!


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