Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I complain a lot. I know that I do. When things don't go my way, I'm vocal about it. I moan and groan. I whine and mope. I do it all the time.... I didn't get enough sleep last night. I spent most of the day trying to get things cleaned up. It's 80 degrees in the house again tonight - I'm hot. I'm tired. I'm cranky.
And tonight, I feel more than just a little self-centered.
You see, my nephew is serving a mission for our church in Guatemala. His mom sent us a few pictures today. There is a young man that my nephew and his companion (missionaries always go out in pairs) are trying to help. This boy's mom left him. He's addicted to sniffing pain thinner. I guess there was some kind of fire in the home that had left quite a mess. A group from church went in to help clean things up.
This is the after shot...

And again, I am reminded: it's all about perspective.


  1. How horrible. You're right. It IS all about perspective and overall, we've got it pretty great, don't we?

  2. Wow, no doubt. We are really so very blessed. Thanks for the perspective today.

  3. Yeah, I guess that fire in my oven was just small potatoes! My life is good.

  4. Thanks for the reality check!

  5. Anonymous8:44 AM

    My Hero served his mission in Guatemala! And yes... he said it's like that everywhere except in the really rich parts of the cities. He said it was the one of the most humbling experience of his life to go into one of these homes and they offer the elders them their last bit of food. By choice. Or offer them the only chair.

    It is all about perspective. Humbling, isn't it?

  6. So sad. :( Very humbling.

    Thank you for the reminder.

  7. Perfectly paired with your song. 80 degrees is bliss, no?

  8. Wow. And I complain about walking up and down my carpeted stairs so often.

    It's definitely about perspective. Thank you for giving me some!

  9. I used to complain about how small I thought my house was when I was growing up and how I didn't have all the "things" that I wanted....Until I went on my mission to Brazil and saw people living with their whole families (10+ people) in a one-room house with NO modern conveniences.
    I try really hard not to complain anymore. Because, really, I have too much compared to that!
    I agree with you. It does give great perspective.

  10. That poor young man. You are so right about perspective--and thanks for the great reminder.

  11. Well said Melissa.

  12. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful for my blessings! :)

  13. my philosophy has always been that although things could be better, they could be a lot worse. that makes it easier to be thankful for what is good in your life.

  14. things really are about perspective. it can really help in our lives

  15. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I think we all could use a little perspective once in a while. Thank you for the reminder.

  16. Dr. Laura always says that it's not what happens to you in life, it's how you handle what happens to you that counts.

    I'm guilty of quoting things I don't practice. :)


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