Sunday, February 24, 2008

Money Doesn't Grow on Trees
There are so many places to see, people to visit, things to do in this world. Too bad money always seems to get in the way of most of these things. For example: I would love to go to Hawaii tomorrow. But, Hubby has to work, so that we can pay bills, so that the collectors don't show up on the door demanding our first born child... wait... there are days when I just might take them up on that... hmmmm.... MOVING ON!
We decided to make a Family Fun Money bucket. It's just an old plastic jar, but we have decided to use it for all our loose change. Tonight, as a family, we took a vote as to what to save our money for. It was unanimous.
Everyone is eager to save our money to get passes to Disneyland! It's going to take us awhile to get all the money saved up, but we think we can have it by September or mid October. After we sat down and figured out how much we needed to reach our goal, the kids ran for their banks. Baby Girl gave me everything in her bank but the pennies (she loves those the best) and Red contributed the last of his birthday money. I insisted that they had a choice - they didn't have to put all of it in, but they are excited and wanted to do it. Red even asked if he could do extra chores around the house to earn money to put in the fund! It's going to be a great experience for my kids. They will learn about setting goals, saving money and then the sweet joy of reward! Wish us luck!


  1. Anonymous10:28 PM

    It's funny because people always ask where Hawaiian people go on vacation. It's usually to Vegas or DISNEYLAND!

  2. That is such a great thing to do, Melissa. And you are so right about all they will learn. It's so wonderful that they are all so excited ; )

  3. We saved over $600 in change ONLY and used it for our food and souvenirs in DisneyWorld. We're doing it again, and I already have 3 LARGE jars of change (with a few singles tossed in now and again).

  4. this will be a great lesson for your kids. it will be so much more of a reward for them knowing that they helped pay for it. and what a great thing to save for. who knows, maybe you'll save enough before september/october.

  5. Good luck! It will be a wonderful lesson for them - something with meaning and a process where they can contribute and see the result hopefully. :)

  6. That's so sweet that the kids gave you their money. What a great goal to save for and it's a good lesson for them about saving for what you want.

    That money thing can really cramp my style sometimes :o)

  7. GOOD LUCK! It's a great idea, and I'm so excited for you all! :D


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