Friday, February 29, 2008

Lights, Camera, ACTION!
We don't get out to see a lot of movies that don't have talking animals, vegetables or minerals... okay, so maybe I've never actually seen a movie with talking minerals, but that's not the point here.
We did see the National Treasure movie when my in-laws were here. It was okay. Felt a lot like the first one... and that annoyed me a bit... before that we saw the last Harry Potter movie... I think that was in November. And before that... um... before that was.... uh... yeah. Actually, it may have been the 4th Harry Potter movie. We just don't go see movies very much. But this year... THIS YEAR there are TONS of movies that I want to see! Let's start with this one that opens tonight... Penelope

I would love to see this movie! It looks cute AND clean! Who knew you could make a romantic comedy that wasn't all about sleeping around!
I have no idea when these next movies will be released... so, in no particular order...we have the new Narnia movie...and watching this trailer just makes me GIDDY!!

Moving right along we have the new Batman movie... loved the last one, can't wait for this one!

I'm also looking forward to the new Indiana Jones movie...

And then... this fall is the new Harry Potter movie...

I know there are some I am missing, but those are the ones I am most excited about. Do you think they will just rent me a seat for the year??
Tell me... what movies are you looking forward to this year?


  1. Ya! Hooo! I didn't even know about any of those!

  2. Movies??? I'm just looking forward to getting a nap in sometime!! :P

    I don't get in to the Harry Potter movies at all.

    That Penelope looks cute, and I could handle a Batman movie.

    I loved the first Narnia movie, and this next one looks promising as well, so I'll be looking forward to that.

    Thanks for the trailers, that was fun! Now, where's that nap......

  3. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Those movies look okay, but they just haven't made a decent movie since "The Gods Must be Crazy"

  4. I wish I could go to the movies more than we do, but I can't justify shelling out over 20 bucks to see a movie when I can rent it for less than 4 in a couple months...Good choices though! Most of those will definitely be on my renting list.

  5. We never go to the movies either... but they all look tempting to me! The GODS must be crazy- I haven't seen that in forever!

  6. I'm so waiting for everyone of those you mentioned. I just saw the preview for Penelope--hadn't heard about it until the other day. It looks so great.

    We went to see Vantage Point--and we really enjoyed it.

    We LOVE the movies.

  7. Hey! I feel like I'm watching cinema right here on your music playing hip graphic wearing blog! Beautiful!
    On the actual movie front, I'd like to see Penelope, and we go as a Big Kid family to see the HP movies, but I just didn't know that a new one was coming out! (and... oh man... my big girl will be in college then. I'm sure there are theatres near campus - we'll just pack the gang up for a visit - ROAD TRIP!!)

  8. I get out about as often as you do for movies. I usually see the Harry Potter ones...after you can rent them. I have also never heard of Penelope...maybe I can convince hubby to watch it with me...after it comes out on DVD.

  9. You can be my source to the outside movie world! I am so clueless when it comes to what's showing....P.s. Now that we are blog friends, I wonder what you look like. you know, a face behind the words. :) Got a pic. of you anywhere on your blog? Just curious.

  10. We love going to the Dollar shows. Just have to wait a bit longer. But I won't be waiting for Harry Potter... I ALWAYS see those when they're released!

  11. I think that movie 10,000 BC looks interesting and ummm....I'm not sure.

  12. I have sworn off romantic comedies. They're just nevery funny.

    Batman is a definite for us this summer. It has nothing at all to do with Christian Bale worship. Nope. Nothing at all.

  13. The last movie we saw was "I am legend"
    I thought this movie was VERY well done, however, now I'm afraid of the dark.
    I think the next movie we see will be "Horton hears a who" I'm pretty sure that one one give me nightmares.

  14. I'm with you, I'm dying to see all of those movies too! Seeing movies is my favorite thing to do.

  15. I'm looking forward to Narnia, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, and Twilight!

    There is a theater 2 minutes from my house...we go to more movies now than we ever did BEFORE it was built! :)

  16. My sister saw Penelope at a sneak preview this weekend and she said it was great!
    I haven't heard about most of the other ones, so it was fun to see the previews. Thanks!

  17. i, too, am looking forward to the indiana jones movie. and i will be going to see harry potter but i had a hard time with the last one cuz little harry isn't little anymore - he's a freakin' adult!


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