Saturday, February 02, 2008

I'll Cover Ya...
Does anyone out there know how to recover furniture? I bought two chairs last summer at a yard sale for $1 each. I now have the fabric that I want to use to recover one of them... not sure if I'll do both in the same fabric. They are going to be in different rooms and each room has a different color scheme. I don't want to make slip covers... They were only a dollar, so I'm not too worried about messing them up, but they are great chairs. They are comfortable and still in good condition. So, anyone out there know how to do this? Would I be better off to have a professional do it since the backs are curved? Any and all opinions and thoughts are welcome. I'm totally clueless on this...
P.S. One other thing... is anyone else having trouble with their spell check on Blogger? Mine hasn't worked for a few days now... I'm afraid y'all are learning just how horrid my spelling actually is. I depend on that back-up to cover my mistakes! Any ideas?


  1. I wish I knew how to work with furniture. Great chairs-good luck with them. I know there are lots of great people out there--someone will help.

    (My spell check seems to be working fine--thank goodness ; )

  2. Sorry, I'm no help. With either problem!

    I re-covered our bar stools once, but that was just a little square chair bottom - pretty simple. Those look a little more tricky.

    I didn't even know that Blogger offered a spell checker! I've just always tried to be 'on my best behavior,' though I'm not always successful, I'm sure.

    Good luck! I'd love to see the finished project, though...

  3. Nope. Can't help. Sorry. But, I'd love to see the pictures when they're finished. I'm sure you'll do a great job!!!

  4. Those chairs will look great. I like the style of them. Very simple and chic. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

    My spellcheck hasn't been working either. So annoying!

  5. not a clue. sorry. they're cool looking chairs though. what a deal.

    and, no, my spell check hasn't been working either :(

  6. I CAN HELP! I am no pro, so I can't guarantee fabulous results but I have done it (only once though). Email me!

  7. Anonymous7:40 AM

    those are nice chairs. I have no idea how to recover furniture...but these are going to look lovely no matter what fabric you choose

  8. I've only ever recovered a small rectangular stool top. I used a staple gun, for the most part. They'll look so nice recovered, I can tell!

    You can always write you posts in MS Word and then copy paste?

  9. I don't even know how to use spell check...or how to upholster chairs like that! :S

  10. Hey, I thought the spell check thing was just me, but yeah, I'm having problems with it too.

    My mom used to re-upholster everything with her utility stapler. She'd buy tablecloths on sale for cheap and then change the chairs pretty often.


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