Thursday, January 31, 2008

Roses Are Red...
I think that nothing says I love you as much as a tooth whitening gift certificate*... I can see it now... "Honey, your teeth are really yellow and it kinda grosses me out. Here's a gift certificate so you can fix that. Happy Valentines Day Baby!"

You could put it in one of these lovely decorated urinals.... But that wouldn't quite fill the urinal. Maybe you could add a gift card for some plastic surgery. I think a nose job or maybe a tummy tuck would be good. And top it all off with a gym membership and a new scale... perhaps some Slimfast. There. Now you have the ultimate Valentines gift. Ah... love is in the air...
*Yes, I actually got this in an email... nice, eh? Who knew that Valentines was a cause for a 50% off teeth whitening sale? Oh, and I'm not fond of this new Valentines look... it won't be around long... I'm already missing the daisy...


Tonya said...

Oh yeah, nothing says romance like yeller teeth. Sheesh..LOL

tharker said...

I can always count on you for a laugh!

Nancy Face said...

I'm weird, but I'd love me some good teeth whitening for Valentine's day, haha! :D

Your blog looks cute, but I'm with you on the looks so very happy! :)

... said...

i always love your headers and layouts... but, i miss the daisy, too.

have a great weekend.

Yvonne said...

I wouldn't mind teeth whitening, but I'd rather I got it for myself ; ) Not sure about that lovely urinal.

I ALWAYS love the look of your blog

Yvonne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hmmm can't say that I'd be overly thrilled at the prospect, still I suppose someone, somewhere.........
Best wishes

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Hee hee!

Ally said...

I would LOVE to have my teeth whitened! And if I could get my Hubby to get me ANYTHING for Valentine's Day, I'd be a happy woman....

I actually like the new design. :)

Randi said...

Seriously, I would love that! ( the whitening, not the urinal)

Jillybean said...

They forgot to include some deodorant, a tube of clearasil, and some rogaine;0)

Anonymous said...

i would love to see the greeting cards created for this :)

wynne said...

At least it wasn't a coupon for plastic surgery.

(Personally, I'm annoyed with people who try and sell me on teeth-whitening products. As if a trip to the dentist isn't bad enough without the hygienist telling you how much you would benefit from gleaming white teeth...Come ON. My teeth are clean and healthy--isn't that enough? And have you ever seen those people who get their teeth whitened AND spend too much time in a tanning salon? Freaky.)

And sorry I'm so negative in all of the comments today. I'm still mad about that dumb woman in today's post.