Sunday, January 20, 2008

A New Kind of Republican
The other day Hubby and I were discussing politics when Red jumps into the conversation and says, "I'm a Republican!". We kind of chuckled, but didn't think much of it. He has been studying government in school and I figured he had heard the term and just picked up on it. We've never really talked about political parties with him. He knows how and why we vote, but other than that, nothing.
Yesterday, Hubby was reading about the voting in South Carolina and Nevada and Red came in, read a little bit on the computer and said, "Yeah Republicans!! I like Republicans!" Hubby was a little more curious this time and asked him, "Where did you learn to like Republicans so much?"
Red: "From the movie"
Hubby: "What movie?"
Red: "Star Wars."
(For you non-Star Wars fans, the Republic were the good guys that were destroyed by the Empire or something like that)
And there you have it. A whole new train of political thought based solely on a successful movie franchise. Actually, it makes more sense to me than some of the other mumbo jumbo that's out there... I'll just pick a movie that I really like, find a political party to match and then be a devoted member for the rest of my life ;)


Anonymous said...

Hee, hee! Really, though, aren't there years where that actually sounds like a REALLY good plan!? ;)

Sounds like a smart little guy to me!

Yvonne said...

I would have never made that connection, but it sounds great to me, too!!!

Anonymous said...

Too cute!!

Tonya said...

That is awesome! See, politics aren't as complicated as we think. :)

wynne said...

So, if you register as a Republican in California, do they send you your very own light saber? 'cause that would be pretty cool...

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

This new look? On my top ten list for sure!

And wow, what a brilliant boy!

Anonymous said...

good morning melissa,
awh that is so cute what and why he thinks that.

i am a die hard star wars fan, but i don't dress up in costumes and go to conventions! :)

great day hon,
kathleen :)

Dedee said...

Love that thought! I'm glad that finally someone has cleared it up for me. What a relief!

Nancy Face said...

That's AWESOME! I love Star Wars...big time! :)

Nancy Face said...

I made myself a Princess Leia Halloween costume (and ordered the wig!) one year, and I also made a Luke Skywalker costume for Hubby!

Randi said...

Love love love the header!
Gerbera Daisies are my favorites, too!
And I'm with Red!

Busy Bee Lauren said...

Red for President!!!