Friday, January 18, 2008

Love at First Sight
Talking, reading, writing - they are such a simple things. Things we often take for granted. We do them every day without even thinking twice about it. Our kids learn these things and for the most part, pick them up quickly. But, language is something that Little Bug struggles with - weather it is spoken or written. We have hope that he will one day be able to speak and read and write, but we recognize that it will take more time than with most kids. Or so we thought.
We have a communication log that goes back and forth with Little Bug. We write things in it that happened at home that may influence his day at school or any accomplishments he has had. In turn, they let us know how he is progressing at school and if there were any struggles during the day. Yesterday we got the most wonderful note home...
"He is starting to recognize and read sight words..." then it listed some of the words. My heart skipped a beat! This is such a huge thing for him! It's like looking at a door... you know what is behind the door and you want it so badly, but you, yourself, have no power to open it. Then, unexpectedly, the door opens just a crack and the view within is better than you'd ever imagined!


Anonymous said...

WAHOOOO!!! :O) :O)

flip flop mama said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, that's wonderful. :)

I hope things continue to progress, even if inch by inch (which is generally how it happens at my house!).

I'm so happy for you, Sweetie! :)

Yvonne said...

I am so excited for all of you--that is so wonderful. Little miracles occur and when they do we are always so amazed.

You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh Melissa! That is such wonderful news!

tharker said...

Amazing news Melissa!

Jen Hill said...

That is very heart warming news. Many hugs!

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

That's so awesome. I remember when we were dealing with J's speech and it looked like he might never speak. It's so cool when you see that progress.

Anonymous said...

Horray! A crack is all we need, just a little glimpse of the huge.
Best wishes

Tonya said...

Oh Melissa, that is wonderful news. I'm so glad you got some good news. I just know that he'll continue to amaze you.

Kris said...

I am so proud of him!! That is so awesome!!!

Tammy and Parker said...

Happy Dancing with you!

Tammy and Parker

wynne said...

AAAAAAHHHH! That is SO COOL. Go Bug, go! Tackle those words! Shoe 'em who's boss!


wynne said... Though I guess if he feels like it, he's welcome to club words into submission with his shoe? Maybe it would help...?

Anonymous said...

awh melissa,
this is completely beautiful ... and i love how you said that ending, too.

you choked me up.


Anonymous said...

That is great!!!!

Unknown said...

How wonderful! You're right - they are things are take for granted until it is a struggle. Hurray for your glimpse at the view beyond!

Busy Bee Lauren said...

Aww, that is so happy!

... said...

that is so great! i'm so happy for you and little bug.

love the new header.

Nancy Face said...

Oh, that's wonderful! I'm so happy for you...and him! :)

Randi said...

YAY!! Congratulations - - to you both!!