Sunday, January 27, 2008

LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley Passed Away Today...
Words cannot even begin to express the love I felt for this man. We heard him speak a few weeks ago in our broadcast Stake Conference. He looked tired. His voice was shakier than it had been in the past. But his message and his love was firm. I loved his humor. One time when we were at Ricks College (now BYU-Idaho) he came and spoke to us. He said, "You're not much to look at, but you're all the Lord's got. So get out there and do what you can!" I was able to attend a General Conference while he was the President of our church. We had slept on the streets of Salt Lake City (the things we do in college!) to get a seat. We were exhausted and completely spent when we finally sat down in the tabernacle. But when he entered the room... I felt rejuvenated and I KNEW he was a prophet of God. There was no doubt in my mind. Whenever he spoke I walked away with a new sense of purpose. I had direction. I had perspective. I had greater strength because of his faith.
The tears are rolling down my face. I know that he is with his wonderful sweetheart, but he will be missed by many... including myself.
*** Small update... Red is a very tender hearted kid. I knew that this news would upset him greatly. I didn't want him to find out at school tomorrow, so I went into his room and talked to him about it. What an amazing moment for me and my little man. He curled up in my lap and I let him cry as his heart broke. He was genuinely sad about the passing of the Prophet. It was a wonderful moment for me to talk about some of the things that he has taught us and to tell him that the best way to remember him is by trying to do those things that were taught. He curled up tighter in my arms and sobbed. We said a prayer together for him to feel comfort and peace. It was a wonderful moment for me. Hopefully it is something that he will remember as well.


  1. We had him come to our Stake back in 1998 and it was so wonderful. Like you, I loved his humor.

    He will certainly be missed.

  2. We just found out as well. I will miss the twinkle in his eye. It will be an interesting week.

  3. He leaves behind a great example to follow of perseverance, hard work, and faithfulness to the very end.

  4. You said it all so beautifully. The thought of him being reunited with his adorable and sweet wife just makes me so happy.

  5. My son (who is only 5) was very surprised and sad about his passing. This also gave us an opportunity to talk to him about what we believe.

    I will miss this sweet sweet man.

  6. The tears are running down my face, too. I love him and will miss him so much, but I am so happy for him now that he is reunited with his sweet Marjorie.

    Such a sweet experience you had with Red. Thank you for sharing it.

  7. Fortunately for our beloved prophet, he is now safe from me forever. (I always wanted to pinch his cheeks, and terrified that if I ever met him, I'd try it.)

    Red is such a sweetie. Thanks for sharing, and I hope that he has found comfort. And you, too!

  8. Thanks for sharing your sweet story Melissa. :) What a sweet spunky man he was!! I am so happy he is with his little wife now!

  9. Sweet Sorrow. My 7 year old cried and cried. We all loved him here.

  10. i've read a few blog posts about his passing and how much he meant to the writer. he sounds like he was very much loved and admired.

    i think what you said to red is so true... "the best way to remember him is by trying to do those things that were taught."

  11. Anonymous1:49 PM

    What a sweet boy. :) An experience to treasure as a mother.

    What a lovely post. :)


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