Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Keyword Analysis
I've been checking out what words lead people to my blog. Lately, most people are searching for information having to do with President Hinckley's remarks at the January 13th Stake Conference broadcast that was here in Southern California. I took notes. So, I thought I'd tell you just a few things that he said...
He spoke about marriage. He gave 4 cornerstones of marriage-
  1. Mutual Respect - Respect each others differences - work to mediate those differences, but realize that they are not undesirable. Happiness in marriage is not so much romance. It is seeking for happiness of the other person. Stop looking for faults. Start looking for virtues. Don't try to change your spouse. He was sad because he had received a letter from a woman who asked if her only role on this earth was to be barefoot and pregnant. He stated that we love children and that we have joy in our posterity. But there is no designated number of children. That is between you, your spouse and the Lord.
  2. Give Soft Answers - A soft answer cleareth away wrath. Try to communicate with your spouse more. Quiet talk is the language of love and peace. "...and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice" 1 Kings 19:11-12 Be slow to anger and cultivate a soft answer.
  3. Financial Honesty - money is the root of more trouble in marriage. We need to have better discipline. Obey commandment to pay tithes. In Malachi we are promised that the windows of heaven will open if we pay tithes. There is a lot of persuasive advertising out there. Extravagance is bad for a marriage. Each should have money for day to day spending. Discuss all large purchases. Make payments on time and be unified in all decisions regarding money.
  4. Family Prayer - kneel together in prayer. It will bring peace and joy to your home. Your companionship will sweeten and grow. It will bless your children. The Spirit of the Lord will dwell in your home.

He spoke of his wife. He spoke of the amazing relationship that they had and expressed, again, his great love for her. It makes me happy to know that he is with her now. I hope maybe this will help the people who were searching for this.

By the way... the first song in the playlist is called "Homecoming" by Jon Schmidt and I thought it fit perfectly...


  1. Love these. Thanks for passing them on. I especailly like when he gets specific, as in # 3.

  2. You're so sweet to help those searchers like that!

  3. What a great re-cap, Melissa. Thanks.

  4. The music fits well. It's one of my favorites to play, both the CD and the piano. HHmmm...Maybe I'll go play it now.

  5. Thank you for this wonderful post! :)

  6. thank you for sharing these. wise words, in deed.


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