Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hot Lips Houlihan
I love me some hot lips! I just can't resist them! Every time I see them I just have to grab them and gobble them up!Maybe this is why I keep getting cavities...
On a more serious note, thanks for all the advice and thoughts on money stuff. I opted for less fillings and crowns and drilling in my mouth today. It's still supremely expensive, but I cut it in half. And technically, my other teeth don't hurt. So, that means I don't have to have any work done, right??


  1. I love cinnamon too! And those look yummy. You could be right about the cavity connection. Those things really stick in your teeth.

  2. I had to stop eating those DOTS candies, and gum drops. Love em. But they're so bad for teeth. Even just talking about them makes me...

    Hey! I think it should be up to you when you get work done on your teeth. I would probably do the same thing. Put it off a little if they don't need immediate attention.

    But I put off having work done for about 4 years, and ended up with the 'doosey!' It sucked. But only because I'm one of those weirdos whose nerves sit really close to the surface, so numbing them successfully and feeling no pain is basically, well, not going to happen. I cried the whole time. Felt like such a moron. But it hurt!!

    I hope it goes better for you.

  3. Oh my...the craving! the craving!!

    Glad you found a workable solution!

  4. i have to honest... i've never seen those before. lol.

    i've had to have a lot of dental work done. my dentist worked with a financial org. and i was able to pay over time. do you know if your dentist offers anything like this?

  5. Hmm. Pass. Cinnamon isn't my thing. Not going to the dentist...that's my thing.

  6. hot hot! ;)

  7. I love cinnamon candy, yummy!

    I think you are just putting off the inevitable with the other fillings you need but I get trying to space it out. Good luck!

  8. My teeth hurt just looking at those. :( I'm relegated to only chewing with the left side of my mouth right now because if my broken molar and cavity.

  9. I love cinnamon. I've not seen those hot lips--at first I thought they were waxed lips and couldn't figure out why you would want to eat those ; )

    I think I would do the same thing with only getting the "necessary" work done--meaning whatever got rid of the pain. However, if it means it will be worse in the end, is it worth it-- (I don't know!!!)

  10. DO have hot lips! mine are kinda skinny and dry...they need help.

    btw, love the colors here. makes me think happy spring thoughts.

  11. Cinnamon not my thing either. Mine is chocolate. The GOOD stuff. Good luck with the teeth. My hubby is like you. I guess I just got good genes. Didn't go to the dentist for 5 years and through 1 pregnancy and when I went back, they were still perfect!

    ps I love your music selection.

  12. Melissa, be careful I borrowed money for some extensive dental work and chickened out of the appt. 7, yes 7 years later I went to another dentist who said there was nothing whatsoever wrong with my teeth


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