Monday, January 21, 2008

I wish I was one of those kinds of moms. You know the ones... they can be with their kids 24/7 and never get tired of the little ones. In fact, those moms hate school and activities that take their kids out of the home. They want every possible minute with their kids. And yes, I do know people like this.
Me? I'm at the end of my rope today. It's a three day weekend for the kids (Martin Luther King Jr. Day is today... no school) and I'm kidded out! I want them to go back to school. I want some time to just chill. It doesn't help that my in-laws are coming tomorrow and I am running through the house trying to scrub every last corner! Not that my in-laws care... they are really wonderful people. But I care... I want them to be able to go into any room in my home and not realize what a slob their son married. Honestly, it's just the master bedroom that is a mess. It is the catch all room. If we can't find a place for something we toss it in our room. And so, the piles are getting rather high. Toppling, in fact.
Which is why I need some child-free time. It never fails... I get in the middle of one of my many stacks and I am instantly interrupted by the usual kid fare, "I need a drink!" "He took my toy!" "Can I have a snack?" You name it, it has disturbed my cleaning nirvana...wait, cleaning nirvana?? Isn't that some kind of oxymoron??
The biggest problem is that the rest of the house WAS clean. But they are bored. I am not entertaining them. And so, they have made little messes in each and every room. Just little piles of junk that I will now have to pick up.
On a scale of 1 to 10... how bad is it to tie them up, throw them in a closet, and lock the door*? What do you think? A 9 maybe?? Cause I'm okay with a 9... I just need ONE uninterrupted hour... just one...
*Please remember that I use sarcasm liberally in my posts. I will not REALLY tie them up and throw them in the closet and lock the door... no matter how tempted I may be....


  1. Well my twin, you are so not alone in this!

    Day off from school and company coming the next day?! Ack!

    Our bedroom is a catch all room lately too...I'm sleeping poorly because of it, I think. Time to de-clutter this place!!

  2. I'm right there with you. Lock them up! ;)

    Mine go back tomorrow and I'm happy about it! I don't have in-laws or anyone else coming over, but I've seriously neglected parts of my house anyway.

  3. I remember going visiting teaching to a young mom who asked, "What if you don't want them to go to nursery at 18 months?" My companion and I just looked at each other and laughed!!!

    Only a few more hours until tomorrow ; )

  4. Cleaning Nirvana??!!?

    That died with me the day the same day that Kurt Cobain bit it. :)

  5. I just have an office that is my catch all. What is scary on the days that I actually clean the office is the amount of garbage that I throw out. Sounds like it's time to hit up dh for an hour!

    I totally need a break from my kids on occasion. Saves my sanity.

  6. Breaks from kids are NECESSARY! That's why I could never homeschool! People that do it are SuperWomen!

  7. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Girl, I am Sooooo in your boat today. Got the rope ready right here.

  8. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Hey, Melissa. If you have a spare minute (I know! Yes, I did read this post!), would you jaunt over to this blog and see if you can give a little advice? I know you're the queen of blog design manipulation, and I thought you might be able to help. Maybe.

    Thank you! Oh Wise, Wonderful Blog Design Goddess!

  9. i remember when my kids were young and i, too, couldn't wait for when they were in class most of the day, 5 days a week. i had a friend who volunteered for every field trip and gave me grief for not doing the same. there was no way she could understand that i didn't want to go and i cherished my alone time.

    enjoy your in-law's visit.

  10. I'm SOOO looking forward to when my dd starts preschool in 2 weeks. I don't know what I'll do with my free time! Hope you get some time to breathe before the in-laws come!

  11. I clean my house obsessivley when my in-laws come over too. It actually frustrates my mother in law. Whenever she calls to come over she's like "and don't tell me no because your house is dirty! I don't care!"

    But I care :)

    I'm sure you'll do great!!!!

  12. Oh girl, you are soooo not alone. I'm sorry you are stressed. The clutter in my house is growing and I'm thinking of moving and just starting over at this point..LOL

  13. Love it! You are so funny. Have a great time with your in laws. Enjoy that dinner out while the Grandparents are there!

  14. Anonymous5:46 AM

    I hear you there!!!

  15. 9? I'd say more like 7 or 8. Go with it!
    Hope today is better!

  16. I can so relate! I don't keep my house as clean as my in-laws do, and I clean like a maniac when they're coming! :0

    I love my children very dearly, and I love spending time with them...but I need my alone time, and so do they! I wouldn't home school in a bazillion years! (I do love chaperoning field trips, though!)

  17. You mean after you send them to school THEY COME BACK? Oh no! I thought I only had one more year to go, and now you're telling me they're going to be around for years and years? AAAAAAACK!!!


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