Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Only 12 More Days
How was your Christmas? Did you have a wonderful day with your family and friends? Did Santa bring you what you had asked for? I know he must have... y'all are so stinkin good! Christmas here was nice and mellow. Nothing to crazy. Just our little family opening gifts and enjoying the day. I think everyone got something that they love. So that was a major bonus. And I got some pretty darn wonderful gifts too! All in all, it was a great day.
But, that great day is over. Hubby has gone back to work and I am left here with sleep deprived, sugar rushing, spoiled kidlets who are making me crazy. It's a good thing that Jolly ol' St. Nick has already made his rounds. The tantrums coming from this house would drive him away in the blink of an eye! They're about to drive me away! I think we've finally reached an unspoken truce... they will leave me alone to cool off for awhile, I won't scream at them for crying over EVERY LITTLE THING! It's a good bargain... we'll see how long it lasts.
As for the blogging stuff, since I am not super-ultra-mega-girl, I'm not going to attempt reading very many blogs right now. Nothing personal, it's just that my children are demanding. They won't let me sit at my computer for more than a few minutes. And y'all have been bloggin up a storm! It's only been a few days since I've read anything, but my Google Reader is full to the rim with your wonderful posts. I'll get to them... but it will be slow going...
Right now I have to go play "eating food game" with Baby Girl and her new kitchen. Then I might take the kids to the park so that Little Bug can ride his new scooter... and who knows? If the craziness doesn't get too out of control, I might have Red pull out his Transformers Risk game and we'll try to figure the darn thing out! It all depends on the level of weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth... thankfully, there are only 12 more days till school starts again... 12 days and counting....


  1. I'm the first one..Yippee!!

    I'm glad you had a nice Christmas. Mine was very good as well. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one whose child is bouncing around like a super ball. It's sad when it's one day after Christmas and I've already threatened to take the new toys and give them away..LOL

    Don't worry about getting caught up, we'll be here when you are.

  2. I'm the first one..Yippee!!

    I'm glad you had a nice Christmas. Mine was very good as well. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one whose child is bouncing around like a super ball. It's sad when it's one day after Christmas and I've already threatened to take the new toys and give them away..LOL

    Don't worry about getting caught up, we'll be here when you are.

  3. Our Christmas was good too. But, my boys have been at each other all day. I'm sure part of it is the cabin fever in addition to all the chocolate they've eaten. It's so cold outside that they can't be out for too long. I finally took E out by himself and left J with my husband! Only 12 more days here too!

  4. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Yup, that's what I do when they start driving me crazy. Round them up and turn them loose outside! LOL!

    An Island Life

  5. My 12 year old got an Air Soft gun, and he spent all day outside, having wars with his friends. It was awesome! Hopefully he doesn't shoot his eye out...

  6. I'm glad you had a great Christmas day. I wondered how baby girl liked her kitchen. I bet she was so excited ; ) I hope Little Bug likes his scooter--I bet that's fun. Wow a Transformers Risk game--that would be interesting.

    I hope things settle down.

  7. Sounds like it was great!
    I'm so glad. And only 12 days, huh? Seems like more.
    I like your new post-Christmas template.

  8. The swirly candles were made by Betty Crocker. They were great...they didn't even drip wax onto the cake!

  9. There really ought to be an advent calendar for moms to count down the days until back-to-school...the TRUE joy of the holiday season...


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