Sunday, December 02, 2007

Amazing Grace
You may want to turn the music off before you watch this clip...

Have you seen this movie?? It was WONDERFUL! I enjoyed it! I know there are others that feel it moves a little slowly, but to me, it was captivating. If you get a chance, you really should see it!

December 2nd & 3rd devotionals are up over here.


  1. Looks great! I hadn't heard of this before now, so I'm glad you mentioned it, and glad I saw it.

    Thanks! :-)

  2. I haven't seen it yet but I really want to. Thanks for the review.

  3. I've never even heard of it. Thanks for the clip- now I want to see it!

  4. Never heard of it! Looks good.

  5. Never heard of it! Looks good.

  6. I just checked out the other blog. Good idea, I might put up a few ideas for family activities on my blog

  7. I was captivated the first time I saw the preview! Yes, I saw it in the theater with my hubby, and we both LOVED it! I kept waiting and waiting for it to be released on DVD, and I went out and bought it the very first day! My daughter Lauren loved it, too!

  8. Anonymous5:57 PM

    hi melissa,
    thanks for sharing this. i didn't know anything about this one.

    hey, i am really enjoying your notepad recently that you sent me. thanks much. hope you and fam are well :) kathleen

  9. yes, i've seen it. great movie!

  10. WOW!!! I really want to see it. Thanks.

  11. My Lauren and I have a crush on Ioan Gruffud........we'll be picking this movie up at Blockbuster next time we go. :)


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